more RFE's than approvals


Registered Users (C)
Over the past week i have seen more people posting messages that they received an RFE.
Just wondering if INS is trying to show that they are working by sending RFE or may be moving to a new strategy to ask for employment evidence because of the market conditions.
This way INS can clear up the back log by removing cases who can not provide employment letter.
I hope this is not the case.
Good luck
true.., rfe's

i also heard from one of my friend from CT Rd 10/19 and ND 11/29.. he got a rfe two days ago.. not sure for what.. just to update..

i am still waiting..

RD:- 10/18
ND:- 11/28
EAD : extension applied this week only
Are you guys talking about RFE for 485? I thought it's mostly for 140 and 485 is always approved, just a matter of time.
You can defnitely get an RFE for 485

Wow ! look at all the RFE's today! on this forum.
Look at the pattern

I think RFEs are getting generated during a date range. Look at Aug & Sept RFEs , you can see lots of RFEs on 9/16-9/22 range.
Are they (INS) issuing RFEs when they are done with allotted work load ?