More Delays: Check out this link

Silent Sufferers!

We should bring this issue to the fore-front and get it necessary attention forcing improvement of the current conditions. Read on. At the end you will find e-mail addresses which we could send this structured mail to make a point.

Applications pile up; workers lack database access, training

A large part of the immigrant community suffers silently inside the country as they wait and watch for the INS to get their act together.
The recession and mounting unemployment take a heavy toll on ALL. But for immigrants who wait for INS to process employment based cases it is worse.
For a skilled worker who is laid-off, an employment based petition pending Adjustment of Status with the INS is immediately stalled and

"Such a person has to leave the country and not just the company they worked for"

All this because of delays at INS! Finding a new job in this economy takes a clear 3 months and INS holds honest tax-paying law abiding citizens hostage forcing several to leave the country immediately while Commissioner Ziglar and Attorney General Ashcroft sort out the issues of the most disorganized Federal agency called INS!

There are obviously clear mandates in place to address cases on a FIFO basis but to every mandate the veterans at INS have found a work around. Cases are often transferred to the local offices and handled by junior staff who can neither make a decision on the pending cases nor hand them to other already overloaded personnel at INS.

       In the New York district office, there is just one computer with IBIS access to check the more than 1,000 new applications that arrive each day. The Hartford, Conn., office has no access to the system, said INS spokesman William Strassberger.
       “We are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible,” Strassberger said. “This is implementation of a new procedure, and there are some initial start-up problems. We have to get additional equipment to those locations.”
  The New York office is expected to receive 12 computers today, Strassberger said. It is unclear when computers will arrive at the Hartford office.
       Strassberger and other INS officials declined to say how widespread the problem is, but Marcia Needleman, chairwoman of the New York chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said immigration attorneys across the country have begun to complain about it.
       “It seems to be nationwide,” Needleman said. “The problem seems to be they don’t have the equipment to do the clearances and the training.”
       Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) said the problem is more widespread than just New York and Hartford, though he did not know how pervasive it is. He has requested a briefing on the matter by the INS next week.
       “This is another example of the dysfunctionality of the INS,” said Sensenbrenner, whose bill to abolish the INS and replace it with two Justice Department bureaus overwhelmingly passed the House last month. “These people [applicants] are legal aliens in this country who deserve to have a prompt . . . response.”

The above article clipping clearly mentions AILA and senators requesting for an improvement while the backlog builds on at the expense of applicants who might loose their jobs with a 10% cut at IBM or a 15% lay-off charge taken by Oracle. The INS feels it is not their fault but clearly it is!

I turn to MSNBC as a favored channel for help. MSNBC needs to bring this issue to the fore-front and help the silent sufferers. Interview officials and raise this to national level:

1. While we allocate more money to strenghten the INS force to ward off unforeseen dangers and illegal immigrants, will we as the most advanced country in the world provide fair and equitable justice to these silent sufferers inside the country?
2. Will this help be timely and pro-active or yet again again another senator will have to be approached by a constituent who is pained the ever popular INS?
3. While honest law abiding citizens are not against security checks but my heart goes to those at Hartford or those who are loosing jobs....will the INS ever look for an alternate solutions?

I am willing and able to discuss this issue in detail under conditions of anonymity....lest the bureacracy takes offense and I convert from a silent sufferer to a silent victim.
