Montreal Interview Tracker: Ara2000, Veteran, Mamba, Berty, Jaks, Dongky, Enduring, James Smith, Kx


Registered Users (C)
Fellow Montreal CP\'ers, CP Tracker isn\'t very useful when it comes to Montreal. Please update your information here. Here is preliminary information based on previous posts. The stages are:
PK3-YOU: NVC sent Packet 3 to you.
PK3-STL: You sent Packet 3 to St. Louis.
STL-NVC: St. Louis sent case to NVC.
NVC-REV: NVC Review complete
PK4-YOU: Packet 4 received by you.
INT-MTL: Interview date.
POEDATE: Date of entry.

Enduring: PK3-YOU (12/28)
James Smith: PK3-YOU (TBD)
Dongky: STL-NVC (11/29)
Ara2000: STL-NVC (12/26)
gcDrone: STL-NVC (12/27)
Veteran: STL-NVC (??/??)
Mamba: INT-MTL (1/??)
Berty: INT-MTL (1/14)
Jaks: INT-MTL (1/??)
KxFamily: INT-MTL (1/??)
Question for Enduring?

When was your I-140 approved?
What Service Center was your I-140 filed at?

Question ???

How long is it taking once Packet 3 is sent to St.Louis(NVC) to receive Pkt. 4? If Packet 3 is sent on Jan 01 then how long (approx.) after will Pkt. 4 be received?

Thanks for any input....

September 13th. My packet 3 took longer to come since I am not using a lawyer, and therefore had to file an agent form before receiving packet 3.

gcDrone ---> ??

Could you please post your dates for the following:

I-140 AD: (include service center)

thanks, I\'m trying to figure out how long the CP stage will take.
ATTABOY: Montreal Processing Times

Here are NVC\'s estimates for various processing times. Please note that in most cases, it takes less time. Look up for sample Montreal times.

I140-AD: INS notifies you & NVC of approved I-140. (2-4 weeks)
PK3-YOU: NVC sent Packet 3 to you. (2 - 4 weeks)
PK3-STL: You sent Packet 3 to St. Louis. (n/a)
STL-NVC: St. Louis sent case to NVC. (2-4 weeks)
NVC-REV: NVC Review complete (4-6 weeks)(*)
PK4-YOU: Packet 4 received by you. (2 weeks)
INT-MTL: Interview date. (**)
POEDATE: Date of entry. (n/a)

*NVC-REV: If any documents are missing / incomplete, NVC will send you a query. Upon receipt of the correct documents, NVC will take the same amount of time (4-6 weeks), as if you lost your original position in the "queue" and were put at the end of the queue. :(

** INT-MTL: NVC generates a report on the 20th of each month for approved applicants (i.e., whose review is complete) and sends it to DC for visa number request. If your review is complete before the 20th of month X, NVC will include you in the report for month X, request interview dates in the first week of month X+1, and the consulate will interview you in the month X+2. So, if your review is complete on January 18th, you shall be included in the report for January, NVC will request interview dates for you in the first week of February, and you shall interview in March; if your review is complete on January 21st, you shall be included in the report for February, NVC will request interview dates for you in the first week of March, and you shall interview in April.

For me, I-140 was approved in early October for AOS by VSC, even though I filed for CP. INS (VSC) took another month to re-approve it for CP. Finally, NVC sent me Packet 3 around 11/26. My Packet 3 was sent (along with all originals, fees and both DS 230 forms) around 12/3, and NVC received it from St. Louis around 12/27. (Don\'t know the exact dates since my case is being handled by a lawyer.)

Hope this helps.
Too risk for Originals?

I am new to this forum. Looks like one has to provide Originals to the NVC. I also understand the St. Louis is only a P. O. Box and you may not be able to use Fedex. What happened if the originals get lost, especially you only have one copy and it is not easy to get a replacement(say, birth certificate from China). Can one send it certified/notarized copies instead and present the originals at the Consulate?


Per NVC’s instructions that I received with my Packet 3, I was required to submit originals or certified copies for all supporting documents. (A certified copy is a copy provided by the agency that issued the original.) So, I submitted the originals.

Please check the instructions that you receive from NVC. If NVC requires you to send originals or certified copies, then send exactly those. Sending in notarized copies or photocopies will only delay the processing of your application. Call NVC to confirm, if it makes you feel better. Different people may receive different instructions. NVC recently internalized many consulates (including those in India), resulting in a much higher processing volume. The delays that you may face by not following their instructions will only worsen with time and may even make you wonder if CP was really the way to go.

If you are concerned about losing originals, get certified copies from the respective agencies. For the record, NVC has lost documents in the past. See In that case, the applicant had sent in copies with Packet 3 (this was a while ago before the new rules), so it only cost him time. If they are now asking for originals and may lose them, it will not only cost us more time, but also additional effort in gathering duplicates. I hope and pray that it doesn’t happen to anyone!
Wealth of information


Thanks alot for the very detailed post. It was exactly what I wanted.

Still regarind the Originals? And NVC\'s phone number.

Thanks, GEGrone,
I guess there is a question regarding the definition of originals. Originals here mean documents from the issuing authoritative agencies. But for us from mainland China, we do not have a birth certificate. What we can get is a document from a public notary in China. For birth, it basically have a statement in Chinese regarding date, mother and father names, and place of birth and then an English version. That is the most legal document we can get. Wondering if that should be considered as original. I am weighing if I should go CP if this will be a problem as I never heard anybody doing AOS ran into the problem. I do not want to be stuck just because of a document requirement. Thanks.

The online version of Merriam-Webster defines "original" as follows:

Main Entry: 2original
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 : of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : INITIAL
2 a : not secondary, derivative, or imitative b : being the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is or can be made
3 : independent and creative in thought or action : INVENTIVE
synonym see NEW

In our case, the word "original" refers to #2a above, i.e., the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation can be made. This is regardless of who issued the document.

Whether NVC accepts a document from a certain source is an entirely different issue, beyond the scope of this discussion. There have been many successful CPs from P.R.C, perhaps someone from P.R.C can clarify what documents meet NVC\'s requirements in lieu of a standard birth certificate.

All I am saying is, if NVC asks you to provide the "original" for a document, don\'t send photocopies or notarized copies. Send the document as you received it from whatever agency that issued it. If the same agency issues you a copy, it will be a certified copy per NVC\'s definition and can be used as well.

Also, "birth certificate" (or its substitute) is a standard requirement for both consular processing and adjustment of status. So whatever document (certificate / affidavit) you think you\'ll provide in AOS to support the "birth certificate" requirement can be used in CP. It is just that NVC may require (again, check your Packet 3 instructions) you to submit the original of the document.

Good luck.
Birth document

Thanks. certified copy of notarized birth document from PRC ( not notarized here) is fine with AOS. As I only have ONE COPY and if it ever got lost, it will be really slowing down my application. I need to really give CP a second thought. Wish we could carry the originals to the Consulate.

The above are my opinions and do not represent the views of any law firm or govt agency :)

So, before you decide, do talk to your lawyer or NVC to find out if originals would be required in your case.
NVC number?

I posted the question to my lawyer this morning and waiting for the answer. Does anyone know the NVC number? Do you have to have your case created there before you can call them for general questions such as the one we are discussing.

NVC Number:

The number is: 603 334 0700.

You will need a case number (from NVC) or a receipt number (from INS) to access your case though. Try calling in the morning after 8:00am to reach the operator, or key in the options 2, 2, 3, 2, type a random case number, get to the operator, and search your case by name, company, address, etc.
gcDrone --> Question


Based on your estimates, how long is it taking for NVC to create a case once they have received the I-140 approval notice from INS? I\'m referring to CP cases for US consulate in Montreal.
