Misspelled name on birth certificate


New Member
I have a RFE to submit DOB for whole family. Unfortunately, my son’s name is little bit different on the DOB certificate (changed to “i” instead of “ee”). Do I need to do something for this (he is still a minor dependent)? Are there any ways/options?

Please advice….
:confused: :confused:
You need to provide an affidavit about the error alongwith the birth certificate.
Can I do it in US?

Thanks RVG!

Can I do this in the USA? What are the possible options?


as parents you can provide an affidavit saying that the cleark made a pelling error and the name on the brith certificat and your son is the same person. get it notarized. my husband had a smilar RFE, he also had a misspelled name, his mother and one uncle form India sent a affidavit stating that they were present during his birht and the spelling mistake was by the person issuing the certificate. also an uncle form USA also sent an affidavit. it worked , my husband got his card approved. :)

Thanks Rosebh!

I think, I can go to consulate here in US and get it notarized. I do not have RFE on that yet... I just need to submit his DOB...

Thanks for the help.