Missing period in G-325A


Registered Users (C)
Does any body come acrocss a missing period in G-325A
Biographical Information form.
I just noticed my g-325A has a missing period of 9 months
one address it should start form the 02/01/98 , by mistake I wrote 09/01/98, which means an 8 months period doesn't have any address.
Will there be any problem for this .

Iyan. Rd:09/24.
You may get RFE - If you get RFE you need to explain and need to prove that the missing period was a typo error(collect some documents such as renatl agreement, utility bill, bank statment etc) that might help incase if you get RFE.

If you are lucky they won't even look in to that. I myself had about one month missing peropd but got approved without RFE.

Bottom line this is not a big issue to be worried.

Good luck

I think it is not a big issue as u think but neway do refer to pdf document posted by kalluris from page 82 onwards (CIS/G-325A Processing). It might help you....

Good luck.
Thanks Mallu!

I have a copy of the lease agreement, Old pay stubs , credit reports,Bank statements and the Social security card's mail stub which has the old address.
Hope not..

The worst that can happen is that U might get an RFE..
But I dont believe, that anybody looks at this much detail..:confused: