Missing Evidence - Please share your comments


Registered Users (C)
Just received our receipts from SSC for our N400 apps. My receipt has the "Missing evidence" message in it. :eek:

I have gotten three traffic tickets in my life and DID mention them in the application and attached a seperate page with all the details about each citation (I do not, atleast not yet, have any official court or DMV docs related to them. So, I did not send them with the app).

Other than that, there is nothing in there (as far as I know) that could raise any flags in my application. I got my GC when I was 28, so selective service should not be an issue (I guess).

:confused: Would the traffic tickets be the reason for the "Missing Evidence" statement in my receipt? :confused: Gurus, please comment. Thanks.

BTW, the SSC numbers (for me and my wife) on the back of our checks is different from the receipt and the ones on the receipt does not appear in the online status check. The receipt has the right dates (in ref. to my prev. message http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=149700).
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Nothing to worry about!

You do not need to worry about it. It said the same thing in my brother's notice and everything went fine with him.
Yep, don't worry about this mate. I received the same thing several months ago, and when I recieved my interview letter they simply attached their standard form letting me know what I should bring to the interview. There was nothing at all specific for me, so it is just their normal procedure to state this "missing evidence" I guess.

I also have never had my numbers show up online. You are with the majority of us on that one!
I got the same message

Filed N400 late Oct 2004 with Texas Service Center. Received receipts last week with "missing evidence" message. Our district office is San Antonio. Will keep everyone posted on developments. :)
I don't know if it is standard procedure or not, but my wife's receipt did not have any note about "missing evidence" and mine did. (Both of our applications were filed at the same time, in one package.)

My theory is that it has something to do with either (a) selective services or (b) traffic tickets. My wife does not have any traffic tickets and she is a girl (so, no worries about SS.) I have a handful of tcikets (never arrested, fines paid in full and on time) and I listed them in the application. SS should not apply to me because I was 27 when I got my GC, but I got the letter from SS anyway in case I will be asked about it during the interview. Those are the only two differences between my wife's and my applications. So, I figured the "missing evidence" clause has something to do with one of them (or both?)

Can you please give me any details you can on the letter you got for SS and also on how/where to get this. Thanks a bunch.

Why do you need letter from Selective Services?

Hi vvork,

If you were over 27 at the time you became PR, isn't that self explanatory? Why would you need letter from SS? What does that letter state?

>> If you were over 27 at the time you became PR, isn't that self explanatory? Why would you need letter from SS?

First of all, I got it just in case. Second of all, I got it because I can! And it was free.

I believe the instructions on how to get the letter are on SS website. I suggest simply googling "selective services" and you should find it without any problems. There were also posts in this forum on selective services, so if you do a search you should be able to get more info on how to request the letter.
OK. You make a good point. I'll go ahead and get it. Will the letter spell out that I was, indeed, not require to register?

Thanks again for taking the time to help!
Yep, the letter will say something like that. (Sorry for such little details -- the letter is at home and I am currently not. Also, I have not touched it for two or three months, but I remember that the langauge in it was very "convincing.")
I received a letter from Selective Services today saying that I did not need to register. Processing time was around two weeks. Thanks everyone for their help!
gringo said:
I received a letter from Selective Services today saying that I did not need to register. Processing time was around two weeks. Thanks everyone for their help!


What documentation did you have to send to get the letter?

1) Proof of initial entry as F-1 (stamp in passport) and initial I-20 stamped at POE. (photocopies only)

2) Proof that I maintained lawful F-1 status through my 26th birthday: Transcripts from grad school and I20s. (photocopies only)

The letter says that I was not required to register because I first enterd the US prior to my 26th b-day as a lawful non-imm and I maintained that status until my 26th b-day.

Hope this helps!