Missed FingerPrint EAD stopped at some point and when should I apply?


New Member
I have a pending asylum case since May 15th, but I missed my fingerprint appointment, which was scheduled for June 6th. It was rescheduled for July 17th. My Notice to Appear is still dated May 15th. However, I know the EAD clock stopped when I missed the fingerprint appointment. If I count 150 days from May, I would be eligible to apply for an EAD in a few weeks, but if I count from June, I’ll have to wait until the end of December. My question is: should I apply next week and see what happens? EAD processing times in Illinois are long right now, and life has been getting harder without a work permit. Do you think the time between June and July, when the clock stopped, won’t count, or will it not affect things since my Notice to Appear is dated May 15th?