Missed EWR FP appt - Please help


Registered Users (C)
I have a C/o address and the mail was not forwarded to me in time. I missed it by a day. Is it worth going and trying my luck after 2 days? Do they entertain it?

Please advise. TIA
It worth trying, just explain to them that due to C/o address you missed the appointment.

They normally accept such unforeseen circumstances.

Please update us and wish you good luck.
Thanks foreverafter. I read a few posts yesterday in which people had walked in the next day and got their FP's taken. I gathered courage this AM and everything went seamlessly. I could not believe it that they did not even look at the FP scheduled date. I feel a lot better now and the last 12 hours were tough!

Another thing that happened was as part of the FP, the person asked me to verify personal info on the screen and when it came it address he overwrote my mailing address in the residence address (I have both different) section! I asked him to leave it but he said he's got to put the address where the FP notice was recieved! Does anyone have experience with this???

futcitizen said:
Thanks foreverafter. I read a few posts yesterday in which people had walked in the next day and got their FP's taken. I gathered courage this AM and everything went seamlessly. I could not believe it that they did not even look at the FP scheduled date. I feel a lot better now and the last 12 hours were tough!

Another thing that happened was as part of the FP, the person asked me to verify personal info on the screen and when it came it address he overwrote my mailing address in the residence address (I have both different) section! I asked him to leave it but he said he's got to put the address where the FP notice was recieved! Does anyone have experience with this???


The underlying assumption is that you indeed stated 2 different addresses on your form..The time you will/might possibly get a chance to rectify this is during your interview..