Missed Appointment!!


New Member
I'm looking for some advise on how to proceed. I apply for I-485 in November 04 and went for my boimetrics, fingerprinting early December 04. In April 05 I received a letter stating that I have an interview with my husband. Unfortunately the interview was in March 05!! A few weeks later I got another letter stating that my application has been denied because we didn't show up. We sent a letter appealing this decision based on the fact that we didn't get the letter until after the interview date had pass (along with a cehck for $110 for the appeal). To date, we have received nothing except what looks like a yellow credit card receipt for the cashed check. I tried calling and writing to them, but with no response. My next step is that I set up an appointment through Infopass to speak to someone at the district office. Has anyone missed their interview and where you able to appeal the decision with favorable results? Also I was thinking about retaining an attorney, but really would prefer not to as it will be difficult financially.