misdemeanor conviction H1b stamping need suggestions


New Member
I came on F1 visa in year 2000. While I was on F1, in sept 2002, I worked briefly in a gas station and sold beer to an under aged person (police operative) with out verifying age.
So I received misdemeanor citation, attended court, pleaded guilty and paid $250 fine.
Since 2003, I was on H1B but never left the country. Now, if I go for H1B stamping, Obviously I have to declare that I have prior criminal conviction. so what are the chances that I get H1 stamped? Anyone has gone through similar situation? Please give me suggestions
you received misdemeanor citation, attended court, pleaded guilty and paid $250 fine. Meaning you were charged with a misdemeanor (it does not matter what Class)... BCIS will already knows that you were convicted or when they do your background check it will pop up, remember your criminal history is a public record. This will make your chance of getting a new stamp very low. The only thing you can do is try get a criminal attorney to try re-open and dismiss that cases the chances very slim. Do not believe any attorney that promises to expunge your record it does not work with the FED's including USCIS.. Good luck :)