Misdemeanor and 485


New Member
Hi Guys:

Please read this message and answer only if you can. I am about to file my I-485 and worried about an incident that happened three years ago. I was ticketed for urinating in an open area. I know it was a shameful thing to do but the circumstances were unavoidable. I was given a ticket for misdemeanor(dont remember which class). I appeared in a court after a few days, explained the situation to the judge and was fined $25 and another $25 towards the court fee.
This is the only black spot as I\'ve maintained an absolute clean record otherwise(not even a traffic ticket). I know it was a disgraceful thing no matter what the situation was. I would now like to ask you knowledgeable people whether this will have any impact on my AOS process. Do I need to mention this on my 485 application at all as it was not an arrest and neither were the finger prints taken. Please respond and advice me in this regard and please dont try to waste your time by explaining how stupid I was to have done such thing as I already realize that. Any valuable input will be greatly appreciated.

don\'t worry. be happy.

if you get interviewed . . . and while you\'re waiting for your interview in the INS . . . and if you really need to go . . . just ask for the restroom :)))))
no offense, just a stupid joke.

really, I don\'t think that misdemeanor like this can cause you any trouble obtaining your GC.
check out http://www.criminalandimmigrationlaw.com/
hope this helps!

PS: once again, sorry for the stupid joke, I couldn\'t resist.
Ravi, You are O.k.

You should be O.K for that. Because You do not took any finger print.... You just pay the $$$$.
You are in good hand.

I like your joke !
Hangup, that\'s not a joke, its a cheap shot. And it reflects on you!

..And as you post it knowing you\'re being \'stupid\', you reinforce your own assessment.
There are worser situations

Hi Ravi !

This is a story about one guy who I knew. This guy came here from India as a student in 1994 and lived in Ohio. He used to work part time at a gas station and was caught stealing (under 100$) and he was arrested (Finger printed also). This guy was supposed to go to court and pay the fine (or do some community service) as the theft money was less than $100 ... but instead he skipped it and since then he went around 7 different states and at last ended up in some tech company in Calif. His company started his GC and while filing for 485 he stated that he did not do any criminal things here. In a way he LIED. He thought that some remote police Finger prints in Ohio will not be caught in Calif. But that was his mistake. All finger prints are sent to FBI (I was suprrised tooo!! ) and this guy\'s finger prints came up saying that he skipped court and an arrest warrant was pending on him. His attorney asked him to go to Ohio and get it cleared. So he went back to Ohio met some lawyer there, went back to court and paid the fine (and did some community service also I think -- he wont say) and then came back. His GC is approved recently.

So DONT WORRY. You did a very small mistake and better you paid the fine. So dont worry about it and take it easy.

I hate to write this bottom line .... but got to do it ! :)

PS : This is my experience only .... so please use this information at your own risk !!

Good Luck
No Title


Thanks for all your inputs, they are really helpful. But can any one please tell me whether or not to mention this on my I-485 form. In other words should I say YES or NO to "ever been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, excluding traffic violations".

Thanks again for the valuable time of all you guys.

You say YES, which is the truth, and let INS determine that it is unimportant. A misstatement on the I-485 will cause you big trouble when INS detects it.


Say yes at I-485
To avoid the REF for your I-485. You may want to include some explained about this case. that may help INS detects it. Most time, they may just laugh and pass your case.

Or you may want to talk some laywer about this one. If your i_485 is filed by some laywer.
Consult An Attorney even though this is too trivial.

Otherwise, if you mark "yes" why don\'t you just explain in a separate sheet that it was a misdemeanor for which you paid a $25 fine in court (was your case dismissed, if so that\'s even better). Make sure you mention you were not arrested, nor fingerprinted and that you have not been fined, arrested, charged, etc etc at any other time anywhere. Another idea that\'s just struck me is if you can provide some sort of reference no of the case. That way you do not even need to go into specific details (in case that\'s embarrassing for you).I\'m sure this clause is to nab smugglers drug traffickers and, ahem, terrorists, and I don\'t this places you in that club, do you :)

 I think there\'s no need to even wish you luck on this; of course all the best for a speedy 485 processing.
don\'t even mention the fucking lunatics who acted on 9/11

thanks to those guys, we shall be seeing longer approval times for the 140 and the 485 :-(
Thanks guys

I really appreciate you taking your valuable time to reply me. I am planning to mention it on my 485 form and add an explanation on a seperate sheet. I am also trying to find the reference no. of the case(dont exactly remember which court it was, been a long time) to add to the explanation.

Thanks again
INDIANA JONES....More details about the Ohio guys arrest

Indiana Jones,
Could you have some more details about case of ohio guy arrestd stealing from gas station.
Did they call him for intervieu? Did he got RFE? was he denied for fraod or misrepresetation? or Did they gave him green card? please post more informition

thank you,
