Milwaukee Interview timelines


Registered Users (C)

i am curious to know when and how the interviews are scheduled for people whose applications have been transferred to the milwaukee service center. can people please post their 485 details and when their applications have been trasnferred to milwaukee. i am under the impression that if we get a few data points we might be able to better expect and anticipate interview scheduling.

Also, please let me know if there is already a thread for this purpose elsewhere.

Can you tell me when you got the Interview scheduled? ie. what are the letters/intimations that you got from USCIS telling you that your case was transfered and that is is scheduled for the Aug 15th date. did you have to do anything else at all?
I did not have to do anything. My case was transferred on May 13th. I got the letter on May 19th. I got a letter a couple of weeks ago that the interview is scheduled on Aug 17th.
Are you sure your local transfer was in Milwaukee. Base on otheras experiances it usually takes 6 to 10 months to get interview date!
Hi cbarus,

Congratulations!!! Me and my wife had our iterviews today at houston local office. The officer took our index finger prints on I-551 form and took our I-94s. He did not stamp our passports but he said we are all set and we can go and left the room. We are very curious to know the decision on our case. Do you have any coments on this?

Same thing happend to my husband and I. We had our interview on July 5th. The officer took our index fingure and our 1-94. Had a brief interview where she verified all the info. She said that she couldn't approve our cases because there are no visa numbers available. Not sure what to do other than wait until after Oct.
koolgui- Only two things I could think of: visa numbers(if you are EB3. I read elsewhere in these forums that someone with EB2 was told the visa numbers were unavailable). The second is FBI clearance.
Thanks for the reply, mine is EB2. The officer did not inform anything about unavailability of visa numbers. If our I-94s are with them how can we travel out of US? How to enquire about my case status now? please suggest.

Yes, it is EB3. We have done FP, Biometrics. Is there anything else that they might as us to do. What is the difference between getting your FP taken and getting FBI clearance?
Interview requested

An interview has been scheduled for Jan 19th 2006. The appointment letter looks so unofficial. its on plain paper and looks really like something anybody could have printed out.
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Me, too

I received my wife's interview letter about 20 days ago. Same condition as yours. Milwaukee office is poor. Her interview date is 1/4/06. I'm surprised that your interview was scheduled so late considering that your case was transferred much earlier than mine with an earlier PD. --Anyway, good luck with your interview and hope you're not from a retrogressed country!
Oh, but I am from a retrogressed country. Thats why I am not completely thrilled about the whole thing. It will still be a while as far as I can tell. No, I have no idea why the interview schedules are haphazard, But then i think that we have come to expect that and so its really not a great surprise to me. As long as it eventually will work itself through I dont think I am going to take too much effort.
Update about appointment today.

I went in late for my appointment due to a car problem. About 3 hours late. they still let me in and immediately finished off my interview without delay and without asking me too much about it.

They made me swear and show couple of original documents, took copies of some W2 and other documents. then they told me that i would have to do my fingerprints again and since my priority date has more than a year to go yet, told me to make an info pass appointment when the priority date is current. which is probably going to happen in another 3 months or so seeing how the priority dates are moving at the rate of 6 months per month. anyways, lets see how things go!
Congratulations robocop. Hope you get current soon. Just an update on the card. My interview finished on Aug 17th 2005 and I got the card on Dec 24th.
Appr. 4 months after stamping.