milk Case Xfered to TX :(


Registered Users (C)
I heard it on AVM that my case has been transferred to Dallas office on 5/20. My wife case (primary) approved and stamped. I guess, I have to wait few more months to get out of this waiting game.
Any suggestions or pointers on lead times or interview tips are appreciated.


Same happened with our case. I (primary) got approved and after 2 weeks my wife case was transfered to local INS. I don\'t know the reason but I have seen couple of cases like this.
Please answer following can send me private message if you want. I am just trying to find any similarity between cases:
- Are you working, if yes how many H1-B used till now. Any gap between 2 jobs.
- Any problem with Medical, Birth Certificate or Marriage certificate.
- What was the date of \'processing resume...\' message for you as
  well as your wife.
- Any other issue which you think might be the reason for transfer.
- Why you filed in VSC instead of TSC. Did you change address in-between.
Hope your case will be approved soon

Milk, any idea how long is the wait in Texas. I pray God that your case will be approved soon.
Good Luck Milk!

   I am a silent watcher of this forum ( I do not have much information to contribute). I have noticed that you have been a good source of inspiration to many. I am sorry to note that your case is getting delayed. I am sure your PP will be stamped pretty soon from TX. ( Please continue your support for some more time. Many need your support, help and inspiration in the coming days too. Your help is always appreciated).
   Good luck to you.
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Milk, you have hands full of Best wishes from so many people hear on the forum. you will be approved very soon.
Good luck

You have been so helpful on this board and it isn\'t fair that your case got tranferred. I hope the waiting time is minimum for you.
Milk, I hope your case will not be delayed....

and may God move your approval process fast.I am really sorry to hear this.
Good Luck and may you get approved soon.

Thanks to all for support and soothing words. This is what I was mentioning in my previous posting that even though we don\'t each other personally, and our relationship is just this Black&White letters, we care for all the members of this community. This is wonderfull. Again, thank you all for support and prayers. I guess, we struggle, and struggle, but at the end, we all win, and get over with this pain.
Milk, Good luck man.

God has set time for everything in life. Like anything else, you will get the GC when the time comes. Life goes on.