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Might be out of the country for Interview!

cheers mate

Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

I just spoke to KCC a few hours ago as they told me that the details would be released today...

According to them as I have a low case number (2009EU00003XXX) in Europe, they said that I my interview would be scheduled for sometime in October, in London...

My problem is the following... For the first two weeks of October I am going to be out of the country for a family holiday/wedding, where I have been asked to be best man... Does anyone know if once the date is scheduled, can it be changed? Will it score as a black mark against my name if I were to ask for a change? Who do I speak to? The London Embassy? Or the KCC?

This trip has been planned for the last 4 months and would be a very big problem for me to get out of, but the KCC lady seemed to allude to the fact that once the date is set, its set. And can't be changed.

I know I have a 50/50 chance (I arrive back on the 16th October) of the interview clashing, but has anyone had this problem before?
I just hope its in the second half of October...

Once KCC has scheduled your interview date you have to call the embassy to pospone it. This is not a big deal in that early stage.
2 questions

Please help me with GC application

I get 1st NL in april 2008,and my number is ,2009DV EU00010XXX.
Now I have offer to go on trainee program in USA for 18 months

1.What do You suggest me to do:AOS or CP,I am still in Croatia and I do not know exactly when I should go to USA(papers will be maybe on December 2008)

2.I and my girlfriend are in a relationship more than 6 years,and we live together for 4 years.
What do You suggest me to do that my girlfriend also get USA that we can be together.
I earlier contact BBS NETTING forum and they told me that If we get married now there are no chance that we will have chance to get GC.


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I wont go for another visa and wait for the GC interview. With 10XXX you interview is in Nov/Dez. Its likely that the deny a non-immigrant visa because of you immigration intent.

I earlier contact BBS NETTING forum and they told me that If we get merried now there are no chance that we will have chance to get GC.
Wrong. Its the only chance that your girl firend get a GC. If you marry after the interview it will take about 6 years to get a GC for her. To be on the safe side collect some papers (utilitie bills, bank statement in both names) from the past years to have a proof of your relationship.
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I have one more questions what I forget to ask.

Until we need to get married(is it before my number is scheduled or before the interview),Who do I need to contact KCC?For new application?What is the procedure?

And is there a less chance that we will get together GC then I apply only by myself?

Thanks one more time
Until we need to get married(is it before my number is scheduled or before the interview),Who do I need to contact KCC?For new application?What is the procedure?
Send marriage cert and DS-230 for your spouse to KCC.

And is there a less chance that we will get together GC then I apply only by myself?
Normally not. Only if they think it is not genuine.