Middle company not paying to Employer


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I worked on a project for 8 days and then told by the middle company that end-client has terminated the contract. My time sheets were approved by the end client. My employer sent the invoice to the middle compamy which was rejected. The reason, I have not performed adequately.

As part of my employer contract with middle company. The middle company has exclusive right to bill.

What are my employer / mine options to get the payment from the middle company ?



Thanks. Well, they took interview before I joined the project. If they do not like my work, they should have told me very first day.

The end-client has approved my time-sheet. My feeling is that middle company is not billing the end-client.

Employer is my close friend. Amount involved is about 4K. We are looking for a low cost solution.

Can we file the case against the company in small court claim ?
Can I complaint against the middle company to Department of labor ?

Any one with similar experience ?