Miami Timeline

Miss PR

Registered Users (C)
Filed N400 on April 6 2004
Receipt Date April 13 2004
Fingerprints May 2004
Interview Notice November 2004
Interview Date: Feb 28 2005

Interview went well. Was told to wait for the oath letter that was supposed to arrive in approximately 3 months. Haven't heard anything yet. It's been over 120 days, so scheduled InfoPass appointment for July 13 2005. Will be happy to share any new info with everyone. In the meantime, any other relevant information from Miami applicants, such as timelines/updates/ceremony schedule, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
I received my interview appt

Filed application on Jan 25th 2005.
Fingerprints were taked on May 24th 2005

I received my interview date today for october 26th 2005.

A little sooner than I thought!

Hopefully if all goes well, oath in December or January.
Karl Jones
Miami Timelin

Sent N-400 application on March 25th 2005
Priority Date: March 28th 2005

Fingerprints taken on May 13th 2005

Today I received my interview appointment letter for August 31, 2005.

:) Happily much sooner than what I expected
Miami Timeline...cont

AAlvar, lucky guy huh? Your posting let me worried as my date was Feb end and didn't hear from them till yesterday.... interview on Sept 23rd... looks like they process them in batches.

Now is just wait...looks like the oath is taking longer than anything else

Cheers all :D
Send From FL 03/23/05
Received At TX 03/25/05
Received 1st Notification fron INS
Fingerprints Notice: 04/19/05
Fingerprints Date: 05/12/05
Interview Notice: 07/30/05
Interview Date: 09/23/05

FOIPA Request
Send From FL 04/11/05
Received At DC 04/16/05
Received 1st Notification of IN_PROCESS from FBI 04/21/05
Received 2st Notification of PROCESSED (NO RECORD FOUND) from FBI 05/21/05

This is my timeline in Miami, everything is going fast so far, i filed a FOIPA request as i read in this forum, i don' know if that really made my process faster, but it worked for me,