Miami Oath on Dec 13th


Registered Users (C)
Just posted in another thread but it could go unoticed due to the caption.

I've just got my oath letter for Miami, Dec 13th. My interview date was Sept 23rd.

All in all 9 months of smooth sailing thru the immigration. A pleasant surprise. All went correctly and the immigration DO in Miami deserve congratulations for the proptness and friendlyness of the whole process. Too bad not all DO's or experiences are the same.

Thank you all for the support during the period. This portal must go on since union and information is what will help us all through this.

I will be checking here regularly trying to help someone as I was helped if possible.

Now is to wait till Dec 13th :D :D :D
miami oath


I got my oathletter too. My Oath will be in Miami on December 14th. I had my interview on April 2005 and had first Oathday August 26th (it was postponed
because hurricane Katrina ) and Finally i got a new date.
Thank you all for being here and supporting each others
I also received my Oath Ceremony letter for December 13th.
(I had my interview on August 31st)

Good luck to everyone !!
How long will the ceremony be?

I am also booked to swear the oath on December 13. Can anyone tell me how long the ceremony is likely to last? Also, I am assuming, since it is in the Miami Beach Convention Center, that spouses will be welcome. Can anyone provide information about previous events?
Thanks :)
I had my interview on Aug 12, but still i'm wainting for the letter of Oath. Can anybody help me with that?
mpellon said:
I had my interview on Aug 12, but still i'm wainting for the letter of Oath. Can anybody help me with that?

I suggest you to set an infopass and verify if the letter is not lost in the mail since they are calling end of september already. Did the interviewer said that you were recommended for approval? Anyway, infopass now so that you may be informed what is happening. Do not despair as it seems to be ramdom since some persons from previous dates are not called yet... but go after your info, do not delay... good luck
luizpaulo said:
I suggest you to set an infopass and verify if the letter is not lost in the mail since they are calling end of september already. Did the interviewer said that you were recommended for approval? Anyway, infopass now so that you may be informed what is happening. Do not despair as it seems to be ramdom since some persons from previous dates are not called yet... but go after your info, do not delay... good luck
Thank you.
I had my interview on Aug 12th and has been recommended for approval.
I m going to make an appointment in Infopass for check if mail was lost.

Thank you again