MI senator info


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Hi all,

I am a 1/2003 applicant from Michigan, and have not received FP2 notice. I am planning on calling my senator and was wondering if anybody has the information and can assist, or can forward me to the source / URL?
BTW, is there an official form of contacting the senator's office? or is it pretty much an exercise of free professional writing? an answer for this question will be highly appreciated as well.

I will let you all know what happens,

Thanks for all your help,

I am living in Michigan, I found Senator John Dingo's office number from Internet, then gave his office a call and asked for a help.

You could find Senator in your living area by zip code from internet.
Thanks for responding,
I tried and came up with 2 only (Stanbenow and Levin). I can't find Dingo's information.