Merging of the O.C.I and P.I.O to create a O.I.C card?


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know if there is any truth to the story published on this Canadian news site called "South Asian Focus" regarding the merging of the Overseas Citizens of India card ( O.C.I card ) and Person of Indian Origin card ( P.I.O card ) to create new card called the Overseas Indian Card ( O.I.C card )?

here is the website:

Please reply with your thoughts regarding the story, and share if there is any truth to the story.
I remember that there was some mention of that a few months ago but no news since. Note that your link is news from three months ago. I don't know how they will resolve certain differences between the OCI and PIO. For example, a non-Indian spouse is eligible for PIO card but not the OCI card. How is this going to be handled then if they merged both cards? Are they going to allow such spouses the same OCI rights as people with Indian heritage?
OCIFl and, JPBoston
Thank You, for posting your comments.

Yes, ($$$) seems to the reason why they might be talking about this.

But, OCIFl did you see that Central Government of India has recently lifted the Surrender Certificate rule for the people who have gotten the foreign citizenship like ten (10) years or more.

When that is going to be implemented is beyond my understanding.

Here is the website where this issue ( issue about "lifting of the requirement to acquire Surrender Certificate for the people who have gotten their foreign citizenship like ten (10) years or more " ) :

We will see what happens.
Many who have got OCI Card may be still having Voter ID Card of India. Now are they going to ask $500 for cancelling or surrender of that Voter Card????
If one still has his/her name on Indian Ration Card are they going to charge $1000?
if one still has his/her name in India Voter list are they going to charge $2000?
$$$ is not the only reason for things to happen. While people at the top might also be corrupt (2G scam for example), many of the PIO/OCI intents have been good. It is however the bureaucracy which is still in the previous century and might make things harder without them realizing it.
Thank You to ginnu ji, and sanjoseaug20 ji for replying to this thread.

sanjoseaug20 ji ,
I think this sums up what you are trying to say : poly ( many ) ticks (blood sucking ticks ) = politics
Thank You to ginnu ji, and sanjoseaug20 ji for replying to this thread.

sanjoseaug20 ji ,
I think this sums up what you are trying to say : poly ( many ) ticks (blood sucking ticks ) = politics

Let me modify this a bit. Here in this case it is poly ( many ) ticks (MONEY sucking ticks ) = politics
Q.3265 VISA to NRIs

March 16, 2011

TO BE ANSWERED ON 16.03.2011


Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has formulated a scheme to provide lifetime visa to the Non-Resident Indians;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether PIO and OCI cards are likely to be merged in this scheme; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?


(a) & (b) Yes. The Government has formulated ‘Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card’ which is issued to a foreign national (i) who was citizen of India any time after after 26th January, 1950 or (ii) who was eligible for citizenship of India on 26th January, 1950 or (iii) who is a citizen of another country, but belonged to a territory that became part of India after 15th August, 1947 or (iv) who is a child or grand child of such a citizen or (v) any person who is a minor child of a person mentioned in clauses (i) to (iv) above. No person who is or was a citizen of Pakistan, Bangladesh or such other country as the Central Government may specify shall be eligible for OCI card. The holder of an OCI card is entitled to multiple-entry, multi-purpose life long visa for visiting India and can take up studies, business, employment etc in India. The holder enjoys parity with Non-resident Indians in economic, financial and educational fields except for acquisition of agricultural land or plantation. The scheme is already in force.

(c) & (d) Yes. PIO and OCI cards will be merged with effect from 1st April, 2011. After merger, the holders of the two cards shall enjoy the same benefits and shall be subject to the same restrictions.

so, what do you guys think now?