Members sheet (New)

It is nice to see Jan 02 almost Green and now Feb 02 almost turning Green.
Here is the updated sheet.
new version

Here is the updated sheet..

Qs to other folks - nfn, curiousgeorge, xjb, eltoro and all those folks who regular check this thread -
I had pointed out the link to rupnet.
Right now if you see rupnet is so confusing and is more into selling fragrances.

This is my thinking, if someone builts a Tracker webpage where people enter information ( rupnet's design can be plagiarized)
and then everyone enters their complete info (like RD/ND/FP/ 1st RFE, 2nd RFE etc.. IIO number )
We would be very close in correctly identifying who will be approved next, when will the IIO approve the RFE case etc.

Right now, we have 1 RFE tracker in excel and then this member sheet which does not have RFE & FP date and then this
Somehow if someone could consolidate into 1.......

EXCELLENT idea...I wish I knew how to do it :rolleyes: ...or more importantly, I wish I had the time... :mad:
I can try building consolidated on-line tracker, however, I am going out of the country tomorrow and will be back by June 9. So I can probably start around that timeframe. I will have limited access to the net, but I will try to follow this thread regardless :)

Let's talk what should we include in the tracker. For now I have:
- I-485 petition date, receipt date, notice date, approval date
- FP date, maybe results received on date
- EAD notice date, approval date (multiple times)
- AP notice date, approval date (multiple times)
- RFE sent date, received date (multiple times)

That's just data collection. Now, what kind of reports out of this data we'd like to see? Like:
- approvals in the last day, week, month
- approvals by receipt date range, notice date range
- processing time averages
- ?
Good find, Asif.
I guess this person Amit Goel has done a good job.

eltoro, when you get a chance, please take a look at this site and then you could decide whether it is worth spending time creating a new tracker or we could use this.

My thoughts are - we shd be able to derive lists like - give me the list of people who have been Fped in Mar-may 03 & have a ND in Mar/Apr 02.
These are the ones who are likely to be approved now..
Something along that lines.

Pls comment
processing dates guess - seems good

It seems there are two waves for processing: top and bottom. Bottom is an ol' good process that is synchronized with an official processing date and usually results with an RFE sent before approval. Top is a sort of emergency processing done in order to avoid second prints done, no RFE, a lot of surprises. The dates goastros mentioned seem to match the Top processing mode.

What would be really nice in the tracking tool is not raw data but some sort of statistics that would show or deny the abovementioned "rule" or any other similiar theories. How about: 2D table, x=month filed, y=month fp, cell value= number of aprovals during last month or two months? Could be 3D graphical bars or the like.

There are a few posts that mention relatively few cases approved for May 02 filers when Jun starts showing up. If there are two waves of prcessing indeed, some cases may have missed the bus because of USCIC realizing the will not approve these before FP expire or May 02 is coming in range for normal BOTTOM processing. I hope this is just silly idea and May will start soon.

A friend of mine had his case take literally years to get to 485 filing. I thought he is screwed big time -- even though he started before me, I will get the card sooner. But, lo and behold, his 485 took couple of months -- lucky bastard ;-) There is always hope!
The tracker itself shouldn't be a big deal to code. The bigger job would be to populate this tracker (or any tracker) with data. Knowing the format of the data stored on the tracker we can create an export from our XLS forms and populate the tracker with the data we already have. Amit's tracker suffers from every tracker disease - lack of data.
Please add me to the list as well. FP 4/16/2003. Also, I noticed that SydneyRacquelle is shown in yellow. It should be green since this memeber was approved (I485) recently.
eltoro said:
The tracker itself shouldn't be a big deal to code. The bigger job would be to populate this tracker (or any tracker) with data. Knowing the format of the data stored on the tracker we can create an export from our XLS forms and populate the tracker with the data we already have. Amit's tracker suffers from every tracker disease - lack of data.

Very True, eltoro. A year ago, many of us put information on, it was easy to use but later it got so messed up with all the advertisements that people lost interest.
Now either we shd start a new thread request ing everyone to put their
dates on This Amit goel tracker or whenever your tracker goes alive.
what do you all suggest.
You have a safe trip, eltoro.
FYI - first milestone accomplished

Over last few days eltoro and myself "designed" the application. We have really interesting stuff coming. Please be patient - should not take long now.

First step was to load existing XLS data to a mysql database. Completed! We have 64565 unique cases logged! If anyone is interested in the raw txt data, please drop me a note. BTW, I admire work of whomever did the XLS scanning thingy -- resulting data is pretty solid.

I will be working on simple php query over the weekend, will post the results when done.
eucitizen, are you refering to the members sheet or you are talking abt the consolidated data file.
since you wrote 64,565 , i think you are refering to the consolidated file with all 485 SRC results.
The credit of writing this excel code initially goes to OFF_PATIENCE ( i can't remember from which Serivce center, he was from ) but PRADHA is the person who has made lot of changes to the code and made very smarter.
Thanks for your work, euctizen & eltoro.
Web Tracker

I started with all latest files from 485tsc group on yahoogroups: cons_01, 02a, 02b, 03. My guess is these are the freshest and combination of all should give all avaialble data.