Medical RFE - 693 and 693 supplement


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Referral to health dept even w normal x-ray: Please help!


I got a medical RFE for me and my wife asking us to submit 693 and 693 supplement. We did not submit a medical when we submitted I-485 because my wife was pregnant. I have the following questions:

1. Where can I find form 693 supplement? On the INS website, I could find 693 form, but not the supplement.

2. The RFE gave 30 day deadline. The 30-day deadline ends July 10. We got the doctor's appt only this week (June 30). Today when we saw the doctor, he said that if the TB skin test turns out positive, then he will take an X-ray, and will then refer us to the county health department for treatment and only after hearing back from health department he will complete the form. The problem is that the appt for the health department is by itself a 3-4 week wait period. In the past, I have had the skin test positive and X-ray negative. So I am worried that this doctor might insist referring to the health dept even if the X-ray is normal. And my time is running out to respond to RFE. Please suggest options on what I can do:

a) how do I request an extension for RFE, if it turns out that doctor refers me to health dept? I could go ahead and prepare the necessary documents now so I will be ready to mail it next week.

b) If this doctor does insist on going to health dept, can I ask him a copy of the results and go to a different INS doctor and say that I need a second opinion and get it filled out (assuming that the other doctor may have a different opinion)? Do the INS doctors do that - provide a form based on TB test and blood test results from another doctor?

Any thoughts/suggestions would be very helpful in preparing my response to RFE. It will probably be Monday/Tuesday (July 6) by the time this doctor gives his final decision on the X-ray I will have only a couple of days before I need to mail out my response to the RFE. So I am trying to prepare my response if in case I need to request an extension. Kindly share any experiences/provide suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
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a) how do I request an extension for RFE, if it turns out that doctor refers me to health dept? I could go ahead and prepare the necessary documents now so I will be ready to mail it next week.
Reply to the RFE with a letter explaining that you've been referred for the X-Ray and include a copy of the doctor's referral note. Also mention that the I-693 was not submitted earlier due to pregnancy, and include some evidence of the pregnancy (this can be a birth certificate, assuming the baby's been born).
1. Where can I find form 693 supplement? On the INS website, I could find 693 form, but not the supplement.

You don't fill out the supplement. The doctor will fill it out and include it in the sealed envelope that has the I-693 results.
Reply to the RFE with a letter explaining that you've been referred for the X-Ray and include a copy of the doctor's referral note. Also mention that the I-693 was not submitted earlier due to pregnancy, and include some evidence of the pregnancy (this can be a birth certificate, assuming the baby's been born).

Thanks jackolantern for your responses.
Go with different attorney

Go with different attorney. They know how best to answer USCIS. Just pay for this RFE, thats it.
Typically, you will have to explain your entire scenario in order for them to understand and continue the case. Any hasty decision will end up in MTR and troubles.