Medical Question- Experts Please Subscribe

Sat Mat

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I may have a CP interview sometime during Apr\'02... Is it possible to avoid the Vaccines for me and my wife as we are trying for a child..
Sorry..No Concession for Males

If your wife is pregnant at the time of medical she will get vaccination and X-Ray waiver.

Vaccination will not affect you.
I had read/heard some where that after MMR women should not conceive for 3 months but consult with your Doctor
$$$ U can get a waiver $$$$$$$$$

as there were questions pertaining to pregnancy ....or the easiest is get a report from a doctor saying that the vaccines were given...
I was told by the doc that the 3 month "no go" period is for the chicken pox vaccine

which is not needed if you have already had chicken pox, but ofcourse check with the doc.
possible to avoid vaccines if you have blood titter report

I avoided vaccinations altogether by obtaining blood titter report showing antibodies to all those. Just call your doctor\'s office and say you need blood titter report. If they can\'t give earlier appt, then say that you don\'t have to see the doc, just need blood titter report from clinic they refer to. This way no money is involved or $15 maximum depending on your coverage.
possibe to avoid vaccines if you have blood titter report

I avoided vaccinations altogether by obtaining blood titter report showing antibodies to all those. Just call your doctor\'s office and say you need blood titter report. If they can\'t give earlier appt, then say that you don\'t have to see the doc, just need blood titter report from clinic they refer to. This way no money is involved or $15 maximum depending on your coverage.
possible to avoid vaccines if you have blood titter report

Hi Naja - what antibodies do they test for, when U wnat to get tested for blood titter report ???
No Title

My insurance doesn\'t want to pay for the blood titers and I got a bill of $1,000 from the lab for myself and my wife. Any ideas how I can make them pay for it.
No Title

Sorry to hear that. That is a game these insurance ppl play. Keep on calling them and say it was unavoidable due to blah blah.. talk to different representative the next day. If it really looks bad tell them you will pay them slowly, like $15 bucks a month..Try all strategies. good luck
The doctors in India sometimes don\'t listen to anyone

They are as we say Lakeer ke phakeer.

But you can take a letter from you current doctor documenting that your wife is pregnant and she is not allowed to take the following shots and X-ray. Hopefully If the doctor is understanding she will not have to take the shots or the X-rays. At Embassy, it really does not matter as long as there is a mention of your wife being pregnant. I had run through the same process. But my doctor was not co-opertaing and his name in NP Jain in New Delhi. May be you can try some other doctor and see if they can understand. In Mumbai I have heard doctors usually don\'t give you the shots like MMR and X-rays.
Hope it helps
Question to Naja

Hi Naja,

I read your message on a blood titter report.
I am proceeding to chennai consulate for the Interview.. Will the doctors in chennai buy this report..Can i have your personal email.. i have a few questions.

Thanks man,.