Medical Issue


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I am in process of filing my 140/485 concurrently. My lawyer suggested me to take medical tests. I tested positive on PPD test. Chest X-ray however was clear. Now my quesions are:

1. Can I expect any RFE on this issue? Any other issues?
2. I talked to my doctor in India. He says that it is OK to have bump of size 15 mm as I had BCG in India. (Mine was 16 mm.) He says I do not need any medication and I am convinced - he has always been correct in diagnosing my problems. I am yet to talk to my doctor in USA. Now, am I supposed to undergo medication or does it depends on my doctor's advice? What else can be done/people have done?

I am not really sure how big is this issue. Any feedback will be appreciated.

Moderator - can we have a dedicated link for medical issues which stays as one of top 5-10 thread?
you will need

to get a medication done for 6 months. i think you should see a doctor immediately and do what is required. if the treatment is done then rfe can be dismissed
also when you see the doctor talk about bcg back home etc

it should be OK. I think


I asked about this before and the answer was as long as there is nothing in the X-ray, it should be fine. The 6 months medication is not a must in this case.
It also depends on the doctor who did the exam if he recommends and write is it up in the papers then I think you should do it.

Guru's what do you think?
If this helps...

.. during my interview, the officer did look at the medicals(done almost 2 1/2 years ago). The last sheet (in the sealed envelope sent by teh medical examiner) apparently contains an overall status. So, if your medical examiner suggested you take madications, take it. It does not matter what your doctor in India said/says.

Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot for your inputs. We may keep thread going. It is an issue, which comes up every now and then with people from my country.

I do not have any such disease nor I ever had one.

I was administered BCG and I am also allergic to Protein. PPD is purified protein derivative. So it maybe due to any of these points. My doctor does not feels it is nessecary for me to take any medication unless I insist.
it is not up to you doctor

It is not up to your doctor to decide that. It is up to the INS doctor who does your exam. if he clears you then you are fine but if he asks you to go to the general Suregon or public health institute, he can do that. He will tell you that right after the exam and you will see it on the form.
If your X-ray is clear then you are fine. That was according to my doctor.
I took medication for 6 months. My doctor (INS) did not force me to do this. Your doctor simply will not prescribe you medicine. I was going for Blood test every month while I was on medication and medicine I was taking cost me only $10 a month.

So you are fine if your X-ray is clear. Taking the medication/treatment is entirely your decision.
Hope this helps.
Positive PPD

Hi all, A positive PPD with a negative Chest Xray can also happen with someone who has a very good immunity. Active TB has a lot of signs and symptoms, such as fever, night sweats, weight loss and ither symptoms, the most famous of which is a cough. The INS guidelines only ask for the initial exam to be done by an INS certified doctor. Subsequent exams may be done by a private physician. Personally, with liver function abnormalities being a side effect of INH, the medicine you guys are talking about, you have the right refuse treatment as the drug has a side effect which may affect your health.

I would get a private doctor to clear you and have this letter on file in case a RFE is issued. Keep your self alert for the signs I've described above in case you do develoP reactivation TB later on in life.

Another issue:

INS doctor did not suggest me any medication. His front-desk assistant showed me the report and there was no mention of follow-up with any doctor. They also gave me a courtesy copy of the same(I had asked for one.). There is no mention of any medication. From GC's perspective what does it means? Can I still get RFE?

AS long as nothing is mentioned in the medicals sent to INS, you should be okay from a GC perspective.

But you might want to consult your doctor and take the necessary medications (if needed) purely from a personal perspective. That will be your call.

you should be fine if your X-rays were negative. It is your decision if you want to take medicines or not. Now a days they give medicines for 9 months. You can contact you local health department and they will provide medicines for free. Nobody will force you to take medicines but they will not buy you BCG argument ......