Medical Insurance for parents...


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I know this is not the right forum to post on this..... but...

>Can someone suggest where to get Medical Insurance for parents coming from India?

>I have looked into, but am not sure which one to go for.
Also one that works like our normal insurance, u just pay the deductible(co-pay), rest will be taken care by insurance company.

>Most of Companies benefits charge a deductible 100$ to 2500$, plus take care of 80% of upto 5000$ and then 100% of > 5000$.

>I found that most of the companies including 'Liason' and 'InBound USA' works like paying upfront to hospital as per the bill & then fill a claim form to claim the medical expenses, which will be a fighting issue, not desirable.

>I guess 'Diplomat America' & 'A.I.G.' take care after you pay the deductible, but am not sure.

So please anyone with personal good experiences with any company, do suggest.
All sugestions are welcome.

Thanks Always.
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Check out...

I used, couple of years back when my mother-in-law visited us. Unfortunately, she had to use the ER services just before she flew back. I received bills for almost $10K. I just forwarded the bill to the insurance company and they took care of it. I also faxed back her insurance details to all the billing parties, to directly bill the insurance company. It worked for us. Just make sure, you don't give your SSN anywhere in the insurance application, or during hospital visit (if you had to).

Last year, she visited again and I used AIG. She didn't use any medical services this time. AIG is good too.

the link doesn't work ( send the correct link. My folks are arriving this week and I bought the inbound usa from the site.

Hopefully it is a good one...i took 100,000 deductible. And the premium for my parents for 1mnth is 221...let me know if 100K is good...enuf.


The hyper link has a comma "," at the end. Remove that comma and hit <enter> again. It should work!
Even I am shopping

Apparently the India network foundation and the uses the same underwriter (The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania).

I was wondering if any one had experience with New India Assurance. I need to come up with a decision within a week. My MIL is planning to arrive here in the second week of October.

I am weighing the economic benifits vs the advantages and coverage. New India offers more coverage ($100,000) for a considerably lower premium. I still need to get a hold of the details which have been mailed few days back.

I have used the India Network foundation last two times when my dad visited us. The first time we did not use it. The second time we did not exceed the deductible. I do not have a true experience to guage with others. Again the India network have changed the underwriting company now and I clearly see that some of the benefits are changed. I guess this was done to keep the premiums lower.

Any other places where I can look for more information?

Here is quick comparision of the two policies I am taking about.

Coverage $50,000
Deductible $250
Age | India net | TravelInsurance
19-29 | 52 | 50
30-39 | 52 | 70
40-49 | 52 | 97
50-59 | 76 | 137
60-64 | 76 | 160
65-69 | 76 | 210

Coverage $100,000
Deductible $250
Age | India net | TravelInsurance
19-29 | 73 | 76
30-39 | 73 | 106
40-49 | 73 | 146
50-59 | 112 | 207
60-64 | 112 | 242
65-69 | 112 | 317

| India Net | Travel Insurance
Emergency Medical Evacuation | $10,000 | $50,000/$100,000
Accidental Death & Dismembarment | $25,000 | $50,000/$100,000
Repatriation Benefits | $10,000 | $10,000/$20,000
Family Travel Benefit | --| $10,000/$20,000

Disclaimer : Sorry I had to add this disclaimer as I have seen this forum turning ugly when ever some wants help genuinly. I am neither supporting any policy nor saying that this one is bad. I am another soul trying to find some thing economical and still fulfils my need.
Originally posted by mogli
Is medical insurance available for person over 70?

Yes! At least one of the Indian insurance companies (in collaboration with europe based ones) that I have heard of, was willing to extend coverage for over 70.


As someone else pointed out, the one advertised through kvrao is supposed to be quite reliable. In any case, whichever insurance company that you go through, make sure that they have a POC in the continental United States which will directly accept and settle your claims without having to send it to some other country, specifically UK. Make sure that you get this information when you sign the papers and verify it before the party comes to US. In one case, the number given in the documents was of a company that was no longer servicing claims for the original insurer and the claims had to be sent to UK where nothing got processed.
Kv rao

My mother in law visited from Sri Lanka last summer and we used the India network for her coverage. It was the only company that offered coverage for her pre existing conditions.