Medical Examination ???


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The doctor only put 1 copy of the I-693----"Original INS A-file", with "Supplement Form" into sealed envelope; is this ok?

   But there are 4 copies of I-693, from the instructions, the doctor should retain the blue copy and put all the other copies into
   the sealed envelope.

   Anyone has the same experience?
Doctor knows best

I did not even check what he put in the envelope. If the doctor has been doing immigration work in the past, then I think you should be fine.

Doctors don\'t always know everything about rules

even if they\'re doing it for a while. I had my medical examination done at Camino Medical Group and (I think) they put all of the copies inside the envelope and sealed it! Legally they were supposed to give me my copy of exam and put the rest in the envelope! I still don\'t know what the results were. My lawyer says that I should go back to the clinic and ask for my copy.

I did my medical from CMG too. Though they did not give me a copy of the results, they told me that the results were OK.
