Medical Exam Question


New Member
My wife and I need to get the medical exam done for I-485 filing (concurrent with I-140) at CSC. Does one have to take all the vaccines that are prescribed. Both me and my wife had vaccines back in India at birth. Are those vaccines valid? Is there any other way to check if we have taken those vaccines? Bloodwork, etc?? Appreciate any help.
Take whatever you & your wife got from your home country( India i assume) to the USCIS designated doctor (Civil Surgeon)

in your area and the doctor will tell you what you need (if any) and administer the missing shots. At the end of the day, the Civil Surgeon is the one who will sign your medical papers. That is why, do not waste your time and guessing what you need. It is what it is .

Just make sure that your records are readable and in English (or translated to English). If you have done any other vaccination in the US and other country, they also account.

And good luck!
Thanks, Mydream USA. It would be difficult getting the actual original documents of immunization from India. Does anybody know if it is all right to get an affidavit/document from the hospital stating that such vaccines were administered at the time of birth.
I was in the same boat. Try to get it but do not loose sleep over that...In fact , i spent a lot of time and energy to get the records into one paper...really, it is not a big deal. In the worst scenario, the doctor will administer the missing shots and some will not be required since they are no longer age appropriate...It may cost you extra 200-400 but you know, USCIS is usually more comfortable with the shots/records administered in the US. Again, try to get it and to see if you can easily obtain them ..and remember , vaccination should have the exact dates to be acceptable for USCIS...Month/Year format is not acceptable...That is the exactly what happened to some of the vaccination records from home country.. The examining doctor could not accept those vaccination that did not have the exact dates.

just because of that I delayed my exam and I-485 filing for 3 weeks .. If i knew that i would let the doctor to administer all missing shots.

Good luck again!
Reg: Medical Exam.

Hello Beachman,
Even i had the same problem, when i went to the civil surgeon, he did blood/test and decided which vaccines i have to take as of now, thats all, but it cost me almost USD 600.00.

why don't you go the civil surgeon in your area of residence.. you can ask them for suggestion as to what next regarding the medical exam.

Hi All,
My lawyer says that i dont need a medical exam now, she said that i will have to get it done once the date for the interview is set. She said that if we get the exam now, then it might get expired before the interview gets set. Is that true?? Has anyone had any experiences with that or can advise which way is better???
JJBBKK said:
Hi All,
My lawyer says that i dont need a medical exam now, she said that i will have to get it done once the date for the interview is set. She said that if we get the exam now, then it might get expired before the interview gets set. Is that true?? Has anyone had any experiences with that or can advise which way is better???
what interview? not that everybody who applies for 485 has interview in local USCUS office. check with ur attorney if she is talking about RFE on medicals.
Vaccinations from home country:
when we did the exam we had vaccinations from our home country and translations. The doctor however did accept only those made in USA. For the rest, they did blood test (additional $18 or so) and found that the vaccinations are not needed.
If you need a vaccination you can go in advance to your family doctor and ask for it and do it (covered by your insurance), we did it for tetanus and MMR, then just bring paperwork to INS doctor. Otherwise, you do vaccinations with INS doctor (not covered by your insurance) and pay around $70-80 for each vaccination.