Medical Exam Question


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My husband had his finger printing on May 1st and got his work permit on the 3rd (yippee someone to help pay bills :) ) I know he has to get a medical exam. When is the best time to do this, does the INS send anything out to tell you to do it? I heard people taking the results with them to the interview (which I know is long away), or do you mail it out? Or can you do the medical whenever and mail/take them to interview (or do the results expire)? Thanks for the help.
Hi all:

I'm trying to bring my parents over for good since I have citizenship. They got I-130 approved and they got an appointment at chennai consulate in June. They need to get their medical examination done before the interview by a consulate approved doctor. Has anyone heard of some getting their green card rejected due to medical reasons? i.e failed medical examination reports? I'm trying to figure out what kind of health issues will prevent you from getting through the interview.

Its safe to take the Medical examination document(its a form in a sealed envelope which you cannot open once handed to you by the doctor)at the time of the interview. Sending it ahead of time is not usefull, at the time of the interview the officer will ask for the medical records.

The critical thing is checking for TB and AIDS. If any one of these are positive then GC will be not be issued.
This is for htammana:
How long did it take for your parents' I130 approval?
and also which center did you file it at?
Thanks in advance,
Can you also carry the medical report for ur interview in the US also or is that only for consulate Interviews. I have been requested to get my medical done and am not sure if I should send it in or just hand carry it. Also does it have to be the same city where your interview is or can it be from any registerd civil surgeon from the listed Dr on the site. Since my current project has me in Houston and my case is in Baltimore.

