Medical Docs required for filing I485@VSC.


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Hi All
Can somebody throw some light on the Medical Docs required for filing
As per various boards,i find the following docs are required:
1>.MMR(measles, mumps and rubella).
Are these are the correct ones that the INS doctor requires.
Kindly correct me.

I need to consider the following options as to how to go about getting above docs:
1).How much is the expense involved in getting all shots as required?
   Is there any list of Doctors to choose from where we can get it done
   for a nominal amount in Central NJ area?
2).Is it possible to get the above shots done through the Primary Doctor
   who can help us through the Medical Insurance?
   I mean what do we need to do to get the above shots taken using the
   Medical Insurance Co., so we only need to pay the co-pay?
   Do let me know if u tried this way out?
3).Is it fine if I could manage to get the documents from India as per old
   medical records that can prove it?
   If yes, what exactly is the format and how to present it? Anyone come
   across this procedure?

This should help all of us.
Thanks for your help.

To answer your questions one by one

1. If you get these tests paid through Insurance then it is upto you to convince your Insurance company to pay it. The Doctors are not really helpful in this becuase they have to justify these tests to the Insrance company.

2. The costs will be around $400 to $500. I got the tests done and it cost me $450. If you are married then add the same cost for her also.

3. In the INS website there is a list of Doctors. Call them one by one and ask them how much it will cost you and go the cheapest Doctor.

4. The list you have for tests in good enough. The Doctors understand what blood test they have to do if you show Rubella, Mums etc the list you provided. The blood report is given to you by the Laboratory. This report is clear enough for INS. Don\'t worry about the format

5. Finally be prepared to spend some money.

3. If you can manage the records from India then you should not have any problem. they are accepted here.
shop around

Hi Just $$
Shop around and you will get the right price,i am in CA and got my tests for $ 130..Indian Doc.
also the doctors are aware of what documents are required cos they do it often.
List of Doctors

Hi GCCrusader
Is the list correct for tests ? i.e. MMR and DPT only..?

How do i go about shopping around for this tests?
Where do i look for the list of doctors to check for?
is it some INS approved doctors only or any Primary Care Physician will do?
do let me know on that
Thanks always
Info reg medicals

I got the name of the doctor from a friend.
Anyways i am going for my medicals today afternoon,i will post the entire process after i return,in the mean time arrange all your 485 docs and also get the Medical forms from the attorney the downloaded one does not work.

I am getting my medicals done before 140 approval...hoping against hope.

Actually i have 2 140\'s in process one is in vermont and another in i feel atleast one should go through in the next 15 days.
About ur questions :

Is the list correct for tests ? i.e. MMR and DPT only..?

ANS : not sure but can confirm this evening after i finish my medicals
How do i go about shopping around for this tests?

ANS :i did not mean shop for test i meant shop for doctors
Where do i look for the list of doctors to check for?

ANS : list available at web site also look at

is it some INS approved doctors only or any Primary Care Physician will do?
ANS :It has to be a INS approved Doctor
MMRand Td can be covered by Health Insurance

Just go to your family doctor, tell them you need MMR, Td shots and Chicken pox titer (If the blood test shows that you are positive, you do not need to get shots for chicken pox vaccine). All of the cost is covered by the health Insurance (at least in my case).

I went for my medicals as planned
I was charged a total of $130 for me and $ 90 for my wife
$ 20 for MMR
$ 20 for some other vaccination ( forgot the name)
$ 90 for medical check up including blood and x ray

He was a Indian doctor and hence knew that we get these other shots in India and hence took my word for it that i got the other shots.
He then asked me to come and collect the sealed medicals on monday.

For my wife he asked for her to take MMR and another Vaccination ,but we told him we got it done in India ,for which he asked for proof,i told him i would get the same from India.We did not want to take it ( MMR)because we are planning on a baby.
I called my home in India and took our family doctors number in India and spoke to him just now and he said he would fax the proof of vaccination by tommoworow.

I am sorry i could not get more info.
Thanks a lot, GCCrusader

Thanks a lot, buddy.
Me also in the same boat, will try and get such vaccinations and
docs from india and see what the doctor can do for me.
Thanks again for the wonderful info.
Hope we sail smooothly in 485 together.
I also live in south CA....

Hi GCCruseder,

I live in South CA. I am also looking for my midicals. I cannot get my shots records from India. Can I have the desi doctors contact number please. I can get my medicals done through him/her.

Thanks in advance,


They are located in Northridge...hang on till monday,cos i will go on moday with the india docs,will let u know if i face any problem,there is no point going to him if it does not work out.
GCCrusader, do let me know.....

Do let me know how it went at INS Doctor tomm 1/21.
If they accepted India docs or no? for vaccincations shots...

Myself and my wife also planning a baby, so could you let me know
what tests did you take and what tests your wife took?
I want to make sure it does not screw up the baby planning process?
Best of luck for the big day tommorrow.
Hi, GCCrusader,

I could not find this
and also could find the INS approved doctors
could you give more detail website address.

Guys, you can also call 1-800-375-5283 (INS National Center), follow the messages and use your ZIP for the nearest doctor.
The link by GCcrusader is also useful but thge list is not complete.

Hi guys,
I downloaded FORM I-693 edition 87, from the web (INS webside). Can anybody tell me if these are the correct forms?
Just $

I just got back from the doctors office :

He accepted a letter from our doctor in India for MMR for my wife.
This is the vaccination that you must avoid during conception/pregnency.All others are fine.
He however made her take the Flu shot cos the flu shot is active only for 6 months at a time so.

So the summary is :
a letter from the Doctor in India is valid if you do not want to take some vaccinations/immunization.
My letter from the doctors was as follows on the letter head :

To Who it may concern
This is to certify that Mr XXXXXXX has been administered the following under my supervision on dd/mm/yy

1.Measeles-Mumps-Rubella ( MMR Vaccine)

If any person has any questions they may feel free to contact me.

Doctors Name.

It is advisable not to use the downloadble medical forms,i saw them too ,and also got a set from my attorney ,though they are the same in
matter/text ,they are entirely different physically in apperance and format.

Hi GCCruseder,

Could you tell me how much it costed for you at the doctor..?

I don\'t have any vaccination records and I cannot get them from India... so, are they going to administer the vaccinaton now..?

Could you please post the doctors contact number ..? I live LA area. I would like to go to the same doctor for my Medicals.

I looked at the doctors list provided by Immigration/dr site. There is no contact number.

Please help.


If you dont have records from India then the doctor will administer them here.
Your total cost would be $ 130 including vaccinations per person.
The number is :(818) 349-9966
Take your INS forms and CASH $ 130 per person with you when you go there.
Appointment is not a must.
go to the reception and say you are there for Immiigration check up...they will give you a few in house forms to fill and call you when ready.
then they draw blood and give the shots that are needed.And that\'s it...
you have to call them after few days and see if the report is ready
and go pick it up.

Hope this helps.

Did you take the MMR shots and other vaccinations?
I have heard that if you are planning for a baby, then both wife as well as husband should not be taking MMR vaccinations(and any other maybe, i dont know). If you do so, then you need to delay the baby-planning process for atleast 3-4 months.

The letters you got from india, were they for both of you, and what was the date marked on the letter that the doctor prepared for you.
Did he specify or need to, when the vaccinations were given as per date.

Let me know