Meaning of the new AVM

Vishnu Mahadev

Registered Users (C)
There is much confusion going on about new AVM that several ( not all) folks got recently.
I find very simple logical reasoning.
All of us were expecting "flood of approvals" for last 2 months.
AOS(485) cases are pending from April 2001 RD dates.
INS works in batch mode.
Looks like they have changed their focus on AOS-485 cases now.
This means, they have done a batch mode change of AVM for some big period.

Since they must have used Date Range as primary Key, Folks who had their GC done also got the same message, which they should gracefully ignore rather than acting like chickens.

Looks like April to June RD cases are assigned to officers and we should see the "most awaited flood" from early next week.

I believe in logically positive thinking. AVM glitch is totally ruled out.
Already approved people, please ignore the changed message.

Looking forward to a great-successfull-prosperous new year 2002 and wish all of you the same.
Sorry I\'m at work, anybody else can count how many people got the new Dec29 message?

If the number is big, it is less likely the meaning of assignment.
Rather than counting Dec 29, you should count dates other than Dec 29th


I think you are simply hung up on this December 29th theory. There are several people (including me) that have said that their AVM message says dates other than December 29th. If you look at the whole world, everything is a glitch. Even the creation of the universe is a glitch. You and I being in US is a glitch too. What do you say buddy :)

well i thought we computer guys create glitches and then fix glitches and look like supermen

Any Comments

No Title

I beleive all people whose
1.MD/RD was in May and maybe early June
2.whoever did their FP in Oct or early Nov
3. whoever had their previous AVM "On Nov 16..."

got this changed message. And barring a few exceptions everyone will have their approvals within 3-4 weeks.
If this is glitch then you shud have considered previous AVM "On Nov 16..." also glitch.
It is not true!!!

Mine case FP was done in Nov 2nd, my message said on Nov 16th.....
The second and third are true for me but not the first
and my RD is July

and my message is the same old on Nov16th Fp was collected and.... pending review....
Hi Venky

I think the results of your Finger Print Review are still pending from the investigating agency. Did you try calling an IIO to confirm that? I think we all are confused about these mysterious AVM messages. I believe the messages themselves are pretty straight forward and communicate what needs to be communicated. The flood of approvals is on way for all April filers. We just have to be patient and wait for the final words. Meanwhile, there is no justification for AVM messages one way or the other. Believe any which way you like, but the bottom line is that each case will progress on its own unique parameters parameters.
Oye Venkataramu1 - Don\'t be lazy, be happy

I simple dislike you typing your message in the subject.
If you don\'t understand the value of being considerate towards others feelings, you will have hard time, making progress in corporate world.

Coming back to main issue.
Since Venktaramu1 did not get the new AVM for July Rd , it proves the point that AVM is updated only upto June RD cases.
It simply means that the thorough checking that INs wanted to do after 9-11 tragedy has been done upto June RD/Md cases and those are ready to be adjudicated.

I expect flood starting from 9th January 2002.
I also expect all the APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2001 cases barring RFE cases to get approved before 2 week of February.
Vishnu Maaaaaahaaaaaaaaadeeeeeeeeevaaaaaaaa Dont curse me so much!!!!

I dont know whose curse it is I am stuck with these INS folks!!!!
Hard to believe this RD-July guy Venky goes nuts when we Apr guys are still calm :)

Behave yourself Venky my friend.

Same words to Pump and all others who can\'t put up with waiting any more. Listen, I\'m as anxious as you guys for green card but be rational and calm. Most (again, most, most does not mean 100%) new AVM messages we got are dated as of 12/29. Yes, too many people are involved on the same day. It will be reckless to claim that it means our cases have been assigned to an officer. I can\'t even believe my our fingerprint results have just been received by INS as the AVM claims. No. I did my FP on 10/05 and it will never ever take 3 months for FBI to return the result. So the AVM change is either a glitch or a late update, which only INS\' IT guys know about.
in fact that substantiates the original argument!

RDs in July still have the old message, even if the FP was done in Nov. Only RDs in April, May and June time frame, and who otherwise have nothing pending, have got the new message. July RDs hopefully will hear the new message before the end of Jan.
a late (read batch, consolidated) update

like u can see, guys with July RDs who have old message - "FP collected on Nov 16 ... pending review ..." still have that message. Only prior RDs are seeing this message. makes sense to me (as much sense as one can make of anything INS related).

i dont think a software glitch would be so logical! :)
My Message has changed

hello everybody, MY RD 07/02 and message has changed from on nov 16th.... pending to on dec 29th ....resumed. what do u think? is my case ready to adjudicate too.

An IIO saying Background check done but cases not yet assigned to officers, has thrown some more light on the events.
It looks like 9-11 special investigation is completed for this entire batch and cases will be assigned to officers soon.

This also means that cases may not yet be assigned to IIOs.

Well, only 1 week more to get real answers.
I guess the new AVM msg applies to people who did their FPs in OCT and early-mid Nov

henrysh, I don\'t need any advise from you

Rather than telling others to behave, you should just keep calm and not post crazy messages on this board. I wish you luck and hope that you get your approval soon, as you seem to be more impatient than a lot of other guys on this board. Just forget about the damned AVM messages and wait for a few more weeks. You will get it.

If you can\'t keep calm, join a Yoga course or go and see a shrink.

Okay buddy!