May - Visa revalidation tracking for St.Louis

Still waiting for my visa reval

Recd by SL office: 07 May 2003
Still no development.

But, according to some forums and from what I looks like 12 weeks appears to be a must-wait period...

Are there any fortunate people who filed during first week of May and have received their approval in July???

Please share...
Hi lets wait

Hi Lets wait for some more time and it seems the processing time 3 months and ten days. lets hope for the speed in the process.

this is the info from april thread
Hi Everyone....

I am new to the thread. I called up the DC office this morning(07/23/2003) to check the status of my revalidation. The lady told me that they are working on cases recvd on 1st May/03 and that my case was recvd on 7th of May.

here are my details.

SL SD : Apr 24th
SL RD : Apr 25th
DC RD : May 7th

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DC Dates

Suvika , raj_raj_raj and Plilva :

Did any of you guys call again ? Do you guys know your DC
dates ?? Please post if you do.

For now they are processing May 01 DC Recvd dates .. hope
they'll speed up.
May 2003 - H1 VISa Revalidation at st.Louis

The date on which I have sent my PP and my family to St.Louis are as follows:

Sent on : 22-MAY-2003
Received on: 23-MAY-2003
Same Dates


Do you know your DC dates by any chance ? Both of us are
on the same SL dates.

Please do post if you call DC.


No news yet.
SL RD May 8th
DC RD May 13th

Called the office yesterday and the lady was polite but unwilling to divulge anything beyond the dates. :O
Based on other threads, there are cases of people receiving visas before the end of 3 months.
No information from DC visa specialist.

She did not want to say anything regarding dates being processed. Apparently, a few of them divulge this information, and she wasn't one of those. But she was definitely polite (which doesn't speed up the process though..!)

I called again today. Seems they are not willing to divulge what dates are being processed. :(
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Hey Guys,

I forgot to attach my bottom left portion of I797, which has the new Validity dates.
Does any one who sent the doc's to SL please let me know, if that would be an issue or if every one sends that document.

hi everyone,
Called DC - May 14 is their recd date.
Yesterday I came to know about their Photo strictness..I have send the same photo on which they had stamped VISA last time and my Passport also has the same photo..Their photorequirement says 2X2 WHICH IS Little bigger than Passport size photo.
I think it is still 7-10 days that they will process my Passport for VISA-Any advice regarding meanwhile should I send the New 2X2 PHOTO-or wait for them for processing or call them?
in all likelihood urs might come back..but not to worry, as you can immediately attach the new photograps and send it to DC and they will promptly return urs in lessthan a week. only thing is u need to spend at another 30$ on fedex.
its also possible that you might get lucky wait and watch!

Originally posted by sss771863
hi everyone,
Called DC - May 14 is their recd date.
Yesterday I came to know about their Photo strictness..I have send the same photo on which they had stamped VISA last time and my Passport also has the same photo..Their photorequirement says 2X2 WHICH IS Little bigger than Passport size photo.
I think it is still 7-10 days that they will process my Passport for VISA-Any advice regarding meanwhile should I send the New 2X2 PHOTO-or wait for them for processing or call them?
better to wait

Linuxrox, I think it is better to wait. Your application is very close to being opened for processing. If they figure it out , then they will notify you. If they overlook it (pretty good chance - since they are swamped with applications) you are lucky!!!

It is worthwhile waiting...hope everything will work out well.
Postponing tickets

Hi guys,
My DC RD is May 12th and I have tickets to India for 7th Aug. I do not think there is any chance that I will get my PP before that. So I was thinking on postponing my tickets. I was wondering by how much time I should postpone my trip. Your thoughts are welcome.
Any news from visa office?

Has anybody called the visa office recently? They appear to have stopped giving out statuses. (One posting for the April tracking mentions that). Same happened with me too. The visa officer said they are still processing mid-April applications.
Might just make it


It looks to me that they are 12 weeks after DC date . That makes
you Aug 01 probable date.

Dont cancel your tix yet .. you might just make it by the skin of
your teeth.

Meanwhile if anyone of the may people know their DC dates ..
please post.

My SL RD is 5th May. Don't know DC RD .. Still waiting.

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I have been tracking the April Revalidation
thread and it appears that SL RD 4/28 are
starting to receive passports....

My SL RD = May 5th

Still waiting......