May case approved


Registered Users (C)
I saw a may case approved in the general discussion. Click the following link

Dont Care "May Case approved" 2/8/02 8:58am
It\'s me :)

I should have put it under this discussion.

Here is the detail again:

MD 05/23/01
RD 05/26/01 (not exactly, but close)
ND 08/07/01
FP 12/27/01
AD 02/05/02
EAC 01 240 5XXXX
EB2 China

I thank you for all the kind congts.

It is a great move. However, my case RD is 05/08/01, #EAC-01-229-5xxxx. didn\'t hear AD yet.

EB2 was basically current in May. There were not a lot EB3 cases being filed in May.
I agree....

that seems to be a rational explanation....hope we can see more EB3 cases soon when VSC starts moving towards June/July.....

come on now VSC we have already suffered a lot......let\'s go...let\'s go.....
EB2: RD 05/31 ND:08/03 EAC-01-238-5xxxx Still waiting

I am also on EB2, but still waiting.
RD 05/31 ND:08/03 EAC-01-238-5xxxx
FP: 12/01
Another May Case Approved


Glad to state that my case has been approved.
PD 03/2000
RD 05/22/2001
RD 07/31/2001
AD 02/07/2002

Been a daily reader of this portal. Love you all guys. You guys had been my lifeline during the past few years. This is a big relief for me as I had to abandon my first Labor application after 2 years of dormancy.
Many thanks to veterans like Myladoor, Bhanu, et all and the new friends like JimZ, Dont Care, Ric, etc.
Also, SK4465 and CRAPSHOOTER, you may want to check your status too. I have a feeling your cases too would have got approved.
Thanks once again.