May be some of you got already approved, can answer my question


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Any Idea how INS deals with the dependent cases.

For example in my case principle applicant got RFE, but AVM still says 975-999 days.. for my spouse.

How does INS deal the dependent cases, if the principle is approved does the dependent will automatically get the approval, or are there cases one gets approved and another still be waiting...

May be some of you got already approved can answer my question.
depends cases gets filed togather with primary applicant once primary applicant gets approved the dependents gets through unless dependents are filed much later then primary applicant. or there's RFE for them.
If they are filed together, I think they will get approved together unless there are additional RFE's for the dependent.

In my case, I (primary) got an RFE, but for my spouse, AVM was "FP results were received blah blah" till it got approved.

Both got approved on the same day.
My case (primary applicant) was approved mid August 2002. My wife's case is still saying "FP received and case resumed".

Actually my wife and I we filed on the same date. WAC # somehow 50 apart from each other.

According to the lawyer it is common for couples to get approval at the same time but sometimes people do get approvals separately.
I have seen a case where pricipal applicant's approval came 3 months after his dependants. No RFE.

But, usually, they all are approved togather.
Primary Applicant and two dependants got approved and other dependant is still pending