Maryland SESA Tracker

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Its been at May 3rd, 2002 since 20th of last month.

venu2000 said:
AVM Updated...

RIR -- MAY 03 2002.

Any body receives any info ( Those who filed before may 3 ) please update..And guys could u please check the process of BRC.. like is the state is forwarding the cases directly to BRC Like

State -- to -- BRC ?
State - to -- Philly - TO - BRC ? which one is correct...

Check with the lawyers and let us know....

Sorry Garfield

I am sorry if i mislead anybody... My question is

Those who filed before may 3 , please update..And guys could u please check the process of BRC.. like is the state is forwarding the cases directly to BRC Like

MD State -- to -- BRC ?
( OR )
MD State - to -- Philly - TO - BRC ? which one is correct...

Check with the lawyers and let us know.... As my lawyer is a WASTE FELLOW DOESN'T RESPOND TO US. It has to go through the CEO of my company...

Two of my colleagues received e-mail from Attorney that their case moved to Regional. 1st candidate - Apr 15th 2002 received e-mail about 2 weeks back, 2nd candidate - Apr 25th 2002 (received e-mail today). I am next in line in my office with May 31st 2002. All these cases are RIR.

To conclude, I am relying on this forum for latest information than our Attorney. And the e-mails mentioned Regional Office only (no indication of BRC in them).
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interesting situation

Hello Gurus,

I did lot of research and googling from last 3 weeks and found out the conflicting information so pleading you for help.
My labour is pending in MD from last 17 months. As we all know the Philadelphia center is going to take a year after that. I came across this situation lately. I was working on a federal project from last5 years; the new federal memorandum stated that the citizenship is compulsory from Jan 01, 2005. So I will no more working on that project. I am going to complete my 6 years on Nov 15th. I got H1B extension till March 06. My company is trying to put me on another project. They say if they are unable to do so they will change my employee status from full time to intermittent (hourly). My employer is aware about my GC and is willing to cooperate even though it is a 500 + employee and an American firm.
Can you gurus guide me what best my bets are.
1) Can I take job with another employer for this extension of H1B? If yes will it be possible to file Labour through the new employer?
2) If my present company change me to intermittent status, will that affect my GC?
3) Is the Canadian GC would be better option?

I really need your guidance so that when I meet with my lawyer I will have a clear picture of my possibilities.
UselessWait said:
Hello Gurus,
Can you gurus guide me what best my bets are.
1) Can I take job with another employer for this extension of H1B? If yes will it be possible to file Labour through the new employer?
2) If my present company change me to intermittent status, will that affect my GC?
3) Is the Canadian GC would be better option?

I really need your guidance so that when I meet with my lawyer I will have a clear picture of my possibilities.

Someone correct me If I am wrong, following is the best of my knowledge.
1) Yup you can work multiple place or on mulitple h-1s, as long as contrdict terms not mentioned in the employer where you work as H-1's
2) GC can filed for future employee too, so dont worry that should not be a problem
3) depend, the way you look into this, some people even ready to give their right hand or even a eye to get a GC, for people like that, living at canada is like living next door to dream, for some I know they thoughts its better to go back, spend a year and come back, but one think pretty sure, canada has far far less oppurtunity then US/China/India job markets (seems like I opened a pandora box ;) )
MD processing

I called MD SESA a couple of days ago. They were still processing RIR from the first week of May...

Damn! What are they doing recently? On Sept. 20th they were processing May 3rd cases already.

Does anybody hear any update? Please share it with us.
I guess they must be well ahead of May first week by now. Generally, the voicemail is updated once a month. If anyone has a more recent information please share it with us.

wiiw said:
I called MD SESA a couple of days ago. They were still processing RIR from the first week of May...

Damn! What are they doing recently? On Sept. 20th they were processing May 3rd cases already.

Does anybody hear any update? Please share it with us.
Good News

Just got an email from my lawyer. My case has been forwarded to Philly on August 30th.

Here is my case detail:
MD SESA RD (RIR-EB3) : 02/12/2002
MD SESA NOF Response : 08/12/04
Philly DOL RD : 08/30/2004

Thanks guys
what is the processing time now? says MD SESA is still process May 3rd, 2002 for RIR...Anybody who has latest info please update!
this board is dead...

as of Oct 21 2004 MD SESA is still processing:

May 09 2002 - RIR
Apr 27 2002 - Non-RIR

Mdlabr20020531 and Garfield, did you guys hear anything from MD SESA?

can i have last few digits of your MD receipt control number? i want to calculate how many cases b/w you and me.
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MD SESA - please do some work!

In the last month, they have cleared 3 days (May 6, 7 and 8). WTF is going on at MD SESA?

wiiw- I dont have my receipt number, sorry! What is your receit date?
Reason for delay at MD SESA!

Some new information from AILA:

@ New Permanent Labor Certification Processing System: Permanent labor certification will be totally converted into a "national processing" system effective January 1, 2005 and the state offices will be phased out as of January 1, 2005.

Could it be that MD SESA employees know that there wont be any more applications coming to their office after Jan 1, 2005, so as soon as they clear the old applications, they loose their job?
Looks like SWA will be phased out no matter what (if it processes any case or not). Here's a post from Philli DOL thread. Most of you might already have read this. Don't know how good or bad is it for us.

@ AILA has released the DOL Memo of September 29, 2004 to give guidance to the State labor certification offices (SWA) on the changes of operation of permanent labor certification application in connection with the launch and operation of the Backlog Elimination Centers (BEC) in Philadelphia and Dallas and the National Processing Centers (NPC) for the PERM in Chicago and Atlanta. The Memo indicates that the BEC has gone into operation since the beginning of the FY 2005, October 1, 2004, and the NPC will go into operation by the end of the year, December 31, 2004. The Memo indicates that these new national processing system of the permanent labor certification applications will be in place regardless of the PERM Program which is currently stalled at the White House for the OMB Review.

@ Timeline-Cutoff Date: (1) If the PERM regulation is released by the White House and published by the DOL, the current labor certification system including RIR will be ceased "60 day" from the date of the release of the regulation. Should this happen, the labor departments will not accept old labor certification applications and the state offices will be phased out when it comes to processing of the permanent labor certification applications from the date. This timeline implies that assuming that the PERM regulation will be released right after the national election, unless the employers are ready to file RIR applications within the next two months or so after completing the recruitment, it will be too late for them to file the applications under the labor certification system. (2) If the PERM regulation collapses due to the disagreement by the White House, the DOL will continue to operate the permanent labor certification system under the existing rule but under the completely different processing system as follows. The cut-off date is January 1, 2005.

@ New Permanent Labor Certification Processing System: Permanent labor certification will be totally converted into a "national processing" system effective January 1, 2005 and the state offices will be phased out as of January 1, 2005 in a manner which is described below. Conversion into the national processing system will bring about a steeper change than the simple change of processing agency in that the permanent labor certification applications will be processed under the "uniform" national queue regardless of the locations and under the rule of the "FIFO" ( First In First Out) regardless of the locations. Accordingly, the NPCs and BECs will process the cases in the order of the priority date of each application no matter where the case was filed. This change will result in some big consequencesto the labor certification waiters: The oldest backlog cases will be processed first regardless of the locations. This inevitably forces the DOL (NPC and BEC) to focus on the cases which are pending in certain locations such as San Francisco and big 10 states where there are a huge number of backlog cases going back to years and years. The big losers will be people in those states who enjoyed prompt processing until now (mostly small states) such as New Hemphshire, Vermont, Maine, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, etc. Since the labor certification will be processed under a uniform "national" processing schedule on a FIFO basis, the people in these states will witness negative changes in the processing times.

Processing Changes and Timelines:


@ Processing Changes and Timelines: The current Regions and State Offices
will be gradually phased out as follows:

1- The State offices will cease to take a new permanent labor certification
applications effective January 1, 2005 regardless of the PERM program.

2- Until January 1, 2005, the State Offices will take new cases under the
existing labor certification regulation.

3- If the State Offices complete processing of certain cases and are ready
for forwarding to the current Regional Offices for certification before the
end of the year, they are required to forward the completed cases to the
current Regional Certifying Officers as they did it in the past.

4- If the State Offices opened the cases but were unable to complete
processing of the opened cases by December 31, 2004, they are required
to continue and complete processing of such cases and forward such
cases for certification not to the Regional Certifying Officer but to one of
the NPC in Chicago or Atlanta.

5- If the State Offices have cases which were received but unopened or
processed, such cases are required to be transferred to the BECs in
Philadelphia and Dallas under the following schedules:

(i) 10/1/04: Large number of oldest cases will be transferred to the BEC from
San Francisco.
(ii) Early October - End of October 2004: The oldest cases from other
Regions and States will be transferred to the BEC.
(iii) January - March 2005: Rest of the backlog cases will be transferred to
the BEC (Philadelphia, Dallas) or the Regional Offices in New York,
Boston, San Francisco.
Under the schedules, only "unopened" cases are allowed to be transferred to the BEC. Consequently, "opened" cases will be kept being processed by the State Offices even after March 2005.

The new system is equitable and admirable in the sense that it totally eliminates inequity and unfairness that have existed until now depending on where an immigrant goes through the labor certification process. It will, however, be taken by some people in certain states as a shock. Life changes.
I THOUGHT POINT 4 meant that they would continue processing cases that they have opened. So if they open a lot of cases and send NOF for those, those cases would stay with them. That way they can retain their jobs for longer. Am in interpreting it incorrectly?

4- If the State Offices opened the cases but were unable to complete
processing of the opened cases by December 31, 2004, they are required
to continue and complete processing of such cases and forward such
cases for certification not to the Regional Certifying Officer but to one of
the NPC in Chicago or Atlanta.
I think you are right. But for how long can they hold their jobs like that? If I were them I won't be relying on this factor.

Garfield said:
I THOUGHT POINT 4 meant that they would continue processing cases that they have opened. So if they open a lot of cases and send NOF for those, those cases would stay with them. That way they can retain their jobs for longer. Am in interpreting it incorrectly?

4- If the State Offices opened the cases but were unable to complete
processing of the opened cases by December 31, 2004, they are required
to continue and complete processing of such cases and forward such
cases for certification not to the Regional Certifying Officer but to one of
the NPC in Chicago or Atlanta.
so should we expect a miracle in the first quarter of 2005 ? I am having difficulty to hang on there... Many of the govt client are making citizenship a requirement. Almost lost my hope guys.
MD cases sent to BEC??????????????????????

Does MD SESA have plan to send pending cases to BEC? Or they did it already?

If anybody has chance to talk to people from MD SESA, please don't forget to ask...

Does anybody in the forum have any thoughts on, if the case from the different SWA's is trasfered to the BEC/NPC will they be having 2 FIFO queue one for RIR and one for NOn RIR.
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