

New Member
Hello, I have some questions...

Let's say that a man cross the border without inspection, lives here for more than a year and decides to get married with a U.S. citizen. Now, can this person start a process to receive work permit and a status legalization? If so, then their supposed to filled what types of forms? where?
After this, do you know how much time it takes for this person to receive the work permit? do you how much time it must take the process for this person to receive a green card?
Also, I've heard that immigration check that the couple lives together, do you what else do they check? And finally, after how many years can this couple be able to divorce without affecting the status legalization process?

Thank you very much for your time.
a person who crossed illegally (without inspection) cannot adjust status in the States. He/she will have to leave the States and do consular processing. His/her leave will invoke a ban on entering the U.S. for 3-10 years.
if you entered the country legally i would say you would be able to gain work status immediately after your spouse files the aos for you.. and it will take apporximately 1 to 3 years for you to gain your green card.. however if your not legal then it would be hard for you to do this
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I would advise the man to leave the country the same way he came in, then get married to his fiancee and use a K visa to enter the country. Of course the man would then have to deny that he was ever in the US illegally and explain that he met the fiancee over the internet but that is for you to know and the USCIS to find out .... :p