Marriage fraud help!

You seem highly agitated by the turn of events which can be understandable.

Typically I would advice you to just let it go and let things take their natural course while you focus on getting over the emotional scars. Also, as my favorite wise man would say, there are always three sides to a story. Your side, his side, and the truth. We do not know his side of the story. However because regardless you will be liable if/when he files for any unemployment benefits maybe you should take some action to avoid such additional financial loss.

From what you wrote, it will be extremely unlikely for him to be able to remove conditions. Aside from not having enough documentation, he cannot claim VAWA (abuse) since in order to do that he needed to have proof of the abuse occurring while you guys were together.

Of course he can try to manufacture documents which might convince an officer who is overworked and or not conscientious enough to do the necessary checks. It has been done successfully before that I know of.

My advice is for you go get his alien number from the records you have and file the documents with your local USCIS and or/ National benefits center and leave the rest to them. Forget the notary public and senator route. It won't do zilch. Like I said, in the light of his lack of evidence et al, it is extremely unlikely barring some excellent forged supporting documents for him to be successful in his petition.


I am new to this forum and I desperately need an advice as I fell victim for marriage fraud.
Most importantly now I would like to know how to notify the USCIS of my divorce & how to report husband for GC marriage fraud successfully to the USCIS as I keep hearing that the officers just trash the letters containing immigration fraud since they get them everyday. How can I make sure that I get to them before my ex-husband tries to remove the conditional status in November. Here's the brief background...
Sign the divorce papers and move on. Getting his conditions removed (or not) is his problem, not yours.

It is her problem, because if he successfully removes conditions and remains in the US, her financial liability under the Affidavit of Support continues. But if he's denied the removal of conditions and removed from the US she's no longer liable.
I am aware of that. My answer was about the CPR's challenge to get his conditions removed. That I believe is (and should) not be the USC's problem.

It is her problem, because if he successfully removes conditions and remains in the US, her financial liability under the Affidavit of Support continues. But if he's denied the removal of conditions and removed from the US she's no longer liable.
I think It will be better to let the things to be done by itself, you need not to do anything, If he'll right he will same but if he will wrong, he would be punished automatically and naturally...
Thanks for your replies. So what I am wondering then is once they receive the fraud report, how can I make sure that they file it in his records...I guess that's my only make sure that they keep my fraud report and when the time comes for his I-751, the officer will see the fraud report in his records. I am not even sure how that works.

There are three threads about this issue that you opened in this forum, and yes we understand you are angry and you are trying to get back at him. It is puzzling to me how somebody marries somebody and lives 11 months together before suspecting fraud, but anyways. You guys didn't make it and got divorced, that's the end of the story for you. The only thing you should care about is the AOS you and/or your parents signed for him, ask USCIS for advice about how to nullify/withdraw that AOS and you are done. Move on.