Marriage FOR green card

I agree with you

Well, You seem to be upset with my posting :mad: . First of all, that is not my attitude :) . Buy anyway it is an individuals choice to marry whomever he/she wants to and for whatever reason :eek: . If you are married, what is the reason you married your spouse? So, you had a reason isnt it :D ? If you read my post one more time, I clearly said if it is illegal to do so then law will take care of it and it is that individuals problem :p . Why should people like us get angry at him :mad: . Well, good citizens of earth (like us) will advise him good piece :) but its up to him to take it or leave it :eek: .

If caught, girl will go to jail - well dont you think that girl know about this? May be this kind of guys will offer them a lot of money and in that greed they will do it. But bottomline, yes she will go jail if caught. And yes, he may be deported, but again that was his choice isnt it? Dont you think this man is grown up? Doesn't he know what he is doing? I guess he is talking with full senses but he is only on the wrong side of the street.

Well, calm down guys :cool: .

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Forgotten Lc, I understand your pain and frustration and I don't understand how us as immigrants knowing the stress of waiting on papers can attack you. However, this is not the right place to post this type of inquiry. The immigration laws are though, but you have to try to be patient ,I'm in a much different situation than you-- I want my papers to hurry up so I can be with my soon to be wife that lives in another country-- so I can't fully understand your urgency. The best thing for you to do is to not post this type of stuff on a website, this is illegal and can get you in a LOT of trouble.

Good luck, I feel your pain.

I can understand where everyone is coming from and I can also understand why people are getting so upset.
As a newlywed filing 130 and AOS for the first time I relate to the outrage and frustration people in my situation feel as all I want is to be with my husband. I married my husband because I love him and don't want to be without him and if that wasn't the case I wouldn't even bother putting myself through this stress. To be told you have to prove that your feelings for the person you married are genuine is actually pretty insulting as the people who know us have never questioned that, it's obvious. I find it ridiculous that USCIS makes this judgment on dates you can remember (my husband is shocking with dates!), photos you can produce and proof of cohabitation, as if that's what defines a marriage. We have to jump through these hoops and pay huge amounts of money to be with the one we love because of others marrying for a GC.
I understand that the people who do marry for a GC may do it out of frustration with the system but it can be argued that the system is like this because of people like them trying to abuse it.
It's not a good start to be breaking the laws of the country you so desperately want to live in. If you don't agree with the laws here, or want to choose which ones to abide by , then I suggest you seriously rethink your motivations for wanting to live in that country. These laws are designed to keep people who do this out.
I don't know what his motivation is. Maybe he is itching for a fight(argument) and get people the forum inflamed while he vents. All one should say is what he is looking for is illegal and he should not be posting such stuff here. And also if you dont want to follow the rules then one should find another place to live where the rules suit him/her.
Just be honest!!

I know that in the past many people married USCs to become legal. Most of these people were hard-working immigrants who came from countries where the allotted number of immigrants to the US was very low. Let's face it - the immigration policies of this nation are not quite impartial. I have even been at fake weddings (I didn't know it was fake until I got there, and the bride didn't know at all) and I guess my feeling is this - ForgottenLC is already here working legally, but just wants to be able to have some roots. I can understand that, and now that I am also one of those suffering and spending way too much money on phone calls to my husband that I really miss, I know why the process takes so long now. USCIS often makes us feel like criminals and I have even had friends asked questions about their sex lives and the color of bed sheets during interviews - which is a disgrace, but it is precisely because of fraud. I also know that there are many people suffering on these boards because of someone marrying them for their GC. I guess, to me, the most important thing is that if you must do something like that - BE HONEST with the USC in terms of your intentions. You can really destroy someone's life and humiliate them by deceiving them. If you make that arrangement, it is between you, the spouse and God, but if you lie to that person, I feel sorry for you because the rest of your life won't may not go well because you have done something so wrong to someone else. Peace and Blessings! :)