• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

March visa Bulletin is out


Registered Users (C)
ASIA 9100
AFRICA 21500
Europe 20625

Hey guys my number is current in APRIL.Give me some advice
AS 89**
Good Luck!

Any Asian has higher than me???
My number is AS00012xxx .....
I am happy if my number would be current till Sep.
Thanks RAJI for lettting us know of the March Bulletin.What should we expect on April

ASIA 9100
AFRICA 21500
Europe 20625

Hey guys my number is current in APRIL.Give me some advice
AS 89**

Thanks RAJI for lettting us know of the March Bulletin.What should we expect on April
mine is highst in Asia

Hi guys,

I think i have the highest case no in Asia AS16xxx, i've been trying to be optimistic but i don't think i ll receive the second package.:(

Try Hard And Be Optimistic

Hi panisalari

According to the speed of the current ASIA visa numbers you may have a chance.Dont be worry.
Wish you good luck!

Hi guys,

I think i have the highest case no in Asia AS16xxx, i've been trying to be optimistic but i don't think i ll receive the second package.:(


I am the same as you, one of the highest numbers in EU! but we are already

1) 82% of the way through the EU numbers ((20650/25300) * 100)
2) 55% through AS numbers ((9100/16000) * 100)

And there is still 5 months to go! With a bit of luck we will be ok! ;-)
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I had read that around this time last year additional NLs were sent out for DV2007. Now that most of the EU numbers are "current", do you guys think that extra NLs will be mailed for DV 2008 or do you think that this fast pace will already fill up the available allocated visas to the EU region.

One other question that I have is if you have any idea if KCC issues or posts somewhere (may be the bulletin) that they are sending extra NLs for that specific year.

Thanks for the answers.