March cases ... Spoke to an IIO today morning ...


Registered Users (C)
As per an IIO, the march cases will be processed next week. As of now, they are processing the cases filed in February last week.
Are we going to experience a shorter I-485 span?

Given that March 01 cases will be shortly approved, last year\'s I-140 freeze and INS\'s move to a more efficient system (I-140 are getting cleared in less than 2 months) - in the near future do we expect I-485 to be cleared within 6 months?

Seeking your expert opinion.

It will take INS a while to start processing cases in 6 months.

Looking at their processing time right now , it seemed on average they are taking about 10-11 months to process 485. Hope it will change soon. My case is with RD March 1st. Eagerly waiting for approval. Its been a long wait.
I think folks who filed I-485 after July 01 will really benefit

My I-140 got cleared in 6 weeks. However, my corporate attorney gave me a time frame of 8-10 months. It completely messed-up my plans.

I have been following the trend and looks like folks who filed I-485 later in Year 01 may want to plan for a relatively quick approval.
March cases

Spoke to an IIO just now. He said that they are processing cases with ND March 01,2001 and since mine is March 02, 2001 he has asked me to give a month before calling back to check the status of my application. Though I feel a month is too long, I intend to check the AVM regularly and hopefully I too would hear the magic words soon.
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thanks for the update Joyous.

do you know what exactly the IIO meant by saying they are processing cases with ND Mar 1, 2001? Does it mean that only nd on that day or for ND\'s from Mar 1 onwards for the month of Mar? just curious.
ND Mar 1, 01 or RD Mar 1, 01?


Did the IIO say they are processing cases with ND Mar 1, 01 or RD Mar 1, 01? Please clarify as ND Mar 1, 01 does not sound right.

Usually everything they talk about regarding processing is in terms of RD.

Bases on Jan & Feb cases....

The IIO always said they were doing Jan/Feb 01,2001 cases.It meant for the whole month.Hang on guys !! it is coming soon ......
Hi Guys... It is always RD ( Receipt Date)

Hi Joyous,
ND of March 1st week means you have RD of Februrary end, hence INS is processing February end cases.
Besides I believe that we should refer to RD instead of ND.
This seemed to confuse a lot of folks.
Hi BM_GC... Why ... Fake details ..

What made you think that everyone on this forum is posting FAKE details? I believe, everyone is sharing thier own experince. If you do not believe some of us then just ignore those messages. If that a big deal?
I think the approval of March 01 cases will give a good idea of the future trend: Experts please pi

A quick approval of March 01 & April 01 cases, will be really good news for all folks who filed subsequently. Remember the INS load is now considerably lighter.
March cases

The IIO clearly stated that they are processing application with notice date March 01,2001 and was very specific saying that since my Notice date is March 02, 2001 it would take time depending on the number of cases filed on March 01, 2001 and all the cases filed before my case was entered into the system.

Even I felt puzzled with what he said, as from this forum, I felt they processed as per the Receipt date and in my case my receipt date is 02/22/01. But the IIO didn\'t seem very friendly to clarify the topic, Hence I too left it at that.

Hope this helps.
ND is RD in IIo view.

Most of the people know INS go by ND ( which is named RD by IIos). I discussed with senior people in this board Bhanu,hanuman and few others. They also told me that INS go by ND. So we can say that INS satarted Mar cases though the RD are in Feb. Today my friend talked to his lawyer. He told that his lawyer said that INS is processing Mar cases.
RD v.s. ND

I really hope that ISN is processing the cases by the RD. I filed my 485 at the end of April, but since it\'s also the deadline for filing 245(i), I never got a receipt until July 18, when most of the people filing after April got their receipts already. If INS is processing the cases by ND, it will be really unfair to me or someone like me... I just hope it\'s not gonna be like that even though I kinda believe that INS is using the ND. Sigh...
how it is unfair!!!!!

I dont think it is unfair to anyone like your case. we all in the one queue. whoever applied April got ND in the subsequent months. I think there wont be much no in the month of april and may.

You obviously don\'t understand what\'s going on in April... The deadline for 245(i) was for those who has illegal status but was able to find sponser (through employer or spouse) to AOS in states. The INS received about 200,000 cases (I-485) in April cause a lot of people were trying to catch up with the deadline. Since INS was unable to process all the applications, they put them together in a basket sorted by date, and put them aside. Those who applied 485 after April got no problem and their applications were processed before the April log, and as such they got a earlier ND from INS... If you checked some tracking web sites, you would clearly find the pattern by the ND people posted... That\'s why I said it\'s unfair. If the RD and ND are all in one queue and sorted by the order of RD, then I wouldn\'t complain about it. I hope I answer your question.
yes, it is unfair

Thanks for updating me with the actual situation. It is totally unfair to April filers. I am sorry to hear you are April filer.