March, Aril RFE

RD Feb01, ND Mar 01, FP feb02 No Rfe/No approval

Somebody should cheat NSC officers 1,2,3 first. They do not know how to count. Oh... God.
APproved at Last

I have been a silent visitor to this site .It helped us a lot . Atlast we got our Approval nearly after a wait of 5 years . Our Details .

Rd 4/4/01
Nd 4/19/01
PD 10/97 .

RFE - 3/11/02 for Employment Verifiaction .
      Checked the AVM for only 2 Times during the 3 months wait .

Finally got the Courtesy Copy in Mail on 6/15 with AD 6/10 .

Just Hang in there all of will get there Soon .
Boys and girls, any updates?

I talked to IIO again. She told me that my case was assigned to an examiner on June 20. FOUR weeks ago, one IIO told me that my case had already assigned to an examiner. And TWO weeks ago, another IIO confirmed that and promised to send a message to the examiner to expedite processing. Eventually, it was assigned to an examiner 6 days ago. My bet is that two weeks later, another IIO will tell me that my case is assigned to an examiner on July 8.