march 2001 receipt date still pending ??

Did you fax Inquiry to get the FP?

Hi Naixin,

I am March applicant still waiting for FP notice. Did oyu ever faxed FP Inquiry?

naixin : need help

Hi naixin,

Would you please give me more detail on what you have done to get the FP notice?

Looks strange to me

Today morning I talked to an officer. She says my FP not received. This is very funny. I did my FP in Oct 30th. Middle of Dec, I called INS and the officer (seems like an Indian lady from her accent) told me that they received the FP on the same day.

Which one we will believe? Anybody has the same experience.
Share your opinion.
Fax inquiry by lawer

In my case I sent two fax inquiries for getting FP notice, it did
not help. My lawer also sent twice, INS sent a response to lawers
fax stating that the response fax itself be used as FP notice.
I used it to finish FP.

Keep trying.
FP status tracking by IIO

When you talk to IIO you have to ask to find your FP status using
A# first, if they find then your case is already assigned to an officer, if they cannot find ask them to use your WAC#, if they
find then your FP is received but the case is still not assigned
to an officer.
No Title

Don\'t worry that\'s there usual answer. The way it goes is that FBI sends an Ok confirmation to INS to let them know that FP was ok and so that they do not send another finger printing notice.

Then an background investigative check is done that usually takes between 2 to 6 months depending on the case and the information is automatically uploaded to INS comp. Then the case is ready to be looked by the officer. This was the info i gatthered from folks that were here on this board earlier like helper, DEBO ..

Man .. I still rememeber them
Mohammed Yakoob

In some cases the avm changes from \'pending review \' to \'processing resumes\' within 2-3 weeks in other cases it is still \'pending review\'

please comment
question to Mohammed Yakoob

Is your AVM updated to "under review" or "resumed" ?
Getting FP notice. Fax does help...

First, I asked my lawyer to send fax inquires for me. He did two rounds in three months. Nothing happened. (Later I found out that my lawyer used wrong form for my first round faxes, and he put in wrong WAC number for my second round faxes.) Then I started call IIO to ask for FP notice, the lady was not able to give any reason on why I don\'t get my FP notice, and told me to wait. I have written three letters to Laguna (CSC Office). Later on, I started sending fax by myself. On Jan 4, I received a fax from INS and told me that my faxes were sent to wrong numbers. After I faxed my inquiry to the number they provided, I received FP notice three days later. You should be able to find the fax number in my previous posting. If you need any further help, let me know. Hang in there, you\'ll get it soon.

Good luck.
No Title

Mine from last 9 months says : " It usually takes 975- 999 days to approve the case ....blah blah". It never changed to anything even though i did my FP in July 2001 with March ND. Everytime i call, they tell It\'s very soon to be picked by officer and there usual stupid answer .. They are processing Jan 2000 cases. I usually tell them that people with June/July are getting approval. They either think i am lying and do not beleive it or say it "Differs CASE by CASE basis Sir".