March 2001 Filer -- Not approved yet


Registered Users (C)
Let\'s have yet another link for once those have not yet heard approval ...
RD 3/9/01, ND 3/15/01.
EB2, India.
AVM changed to case received from cast not found on Dec 19th, 2001.
Of course .. AVM still says \'Case REceived ...\'.
I am worried since VSC posted the new dates -- and someone said they are processing 4/12/01 cases.
Please post your details and let us keep this alive ....
March case is still waiting

PD : Dec. 1999
RD : 3/22
ND : 3/29
FP : 8/18
waiting for approval
Still Waiting

RD 3/13/2001
ND 3/19/2001
IIO said they were working on RFE and I should get it in a couple of weeks. Guys, call and find out the status.
RD 03/13/01 ND 03/20/01 Waiting

PD 12/99
RD 03/01
ND 03/20/01
FP 08/01
I140 CP
AVM:Case received
IIO(01/25/02):Case being reviewed by officer, may get a decision in 30 days
This too shall pass, question

Have you inquired about your I-140 file. Since it was approved for CP, it must have gone to the consulate. Did you ask any question to the IIO regarding your I-140 file?

No Title

Approved today 1/28/02 for myself and my husband. My son\'s case still says \'Case can not be found...\'