March 2001 Case has been approved. EB2 India 140 CP


Registered Users (C)

My case has been approved and the details are as follows

EB2 India
I 140 Approved for CP.
EAC : 01-123-#####

PD : 03/08/2000
RD : 3/2/01
ND : 3/12/01
FP : 8/18/01
Recieved AP on 03/17/01 and
EAD on 04/23/01 Applied for Renewal on 01/02/2002.

RFE Issued on 12/31/01
(RFE Tax Returns for Y2000 with W2 and two months of Earning Statements )

AD : 02/06/2002 (As per AVM on Feb 02/06/2002)

Same for my spouse too. Used AC21 clause.

I would like to thank all the good hearted folks who have given me the valuable information in understanding the process.

Good Luck Everyone.

Congratulations ! Question to you, Mallu,

Did you take any attempt to bring your I140 file back from the consulate?
Mallu, thanks. Do you know if INS got the papers from the consulate or they retrieved from local sto

wewillgetit Thanks

BayofB I never tried to call after the RFE was issued since from the first call I made where in the lady told me they have issued an RFE which I guessed that they had all the paper work to issue and RFE.