March 140 Approvals track here..

Do you have any info on PDs dates retogressing

My biggest concern with CP is PD dates retogressing before Consulate schedules an interview... Any tips on this??

I don\'t think it is a big issue. If it does regress you get 1 month notice. You can immediately file for AOS. More over it is not expected to regress at least until the current year is over in September. I will be delaying my CP by a few months for some personal reasons. I would not delay my CP interview if there was even a remote possibility of it happening. So don\'t worry!
If you want to read more on this topic a thread with further links is given below:
Thank you BRB, it gives me lot of confidence but

can you please tell me the following: ( I went thru the link you posted but still I have some questions)

1) What is DOS?
2) How to keep track of DOS? i.e. from where and how will I know a month in advance that the dates might regress?

Thanks again,
What is G-28 .....

My attorney received the hard copy of my 140 approval. She sent me an email stating that she will file G-28 with NVC. It was my understanding that we will do nothing until NVC sends us Packet-3. Can anyone kindly calrify please, what is G-28 and do we have to file it ?

G-28 is form signed by you & your lawyer, authorizing lawyer to

represent you in that matter. He need not to send now.

all I have another question and thanks WatchT for G-28 clarification ..

I received hardcopy of my approval of 140 yesterday. It sates my app been sent to NVC. Here is the question :- It says that NVC would take 90 days to create the case. Does everyones\' approval reads the same ? And is it really true NVC takes 90 days ??

thank yall
hydi ..
hydi, my approval also states same, but I don\'t think it will take

90 days to reach approval to NVC.I see now there is some delay, some of the guys whose 140 cleared in Feb 1st week also waiting for their approval reach to NVC. You can see cptraker average case is taking between 20 and 50 days.
No Title

Center: VSC
I140 AD: March 14
Selected CP in I140.
What is the procedure for PCC. Where would I get the forms and other information from.
No Title

140 AD 3/19 @VSC EB3 India Applied for PCC a coupla months back.. Will post as soon as NVC receives the case
PCC Validity

Case :EB2 RIR
I 140 approved on March 09,2002
Service center :TSC
Consulate : Chennai

I have applied for PCC recently.
How long is the PCC valid as i am speculating an CP interview in SEP-OCT time frame.I guess the PCC is valid for a year.

Do we need PCC from India too , even though u have been staying in USA for the Past 5 years.
PCC from consulate in the US is good enough ..

do not need it from India ....

I have also been trying to get an answer to the validity of the PCC ...some have mentioned 6 months ...but I think as long as u have not gone to india after getting a PCC, the old PCC should be valid ...
Get yourself ready for sending PK3

1)Lawyer will receive PK3 with the case# from NVC. Depending on your luck, there is no way to predict how many days. reflects the progress from the others.

2)Lawyer knows what\'s in PK3, so he/she should contact you to get yourself ready for sending the PK3. PCC is the most time-consuming doc to prepare.

3)Apart from the lawyer, there are lots of web sites know what PK3 contains. is a good one.

I had a sour neck waiting for the PK3, 21 days past since my I-140 approval.

I-140 Approval from TSC: 03/11/02
PCC Applied in Houston: 03/19/02
Category: EB2 (RIR)
Selected CP in I-140

You need a PCC from every country you stayed more than 6 months after you turned 16 years of age. The consulate is able to access FBI records so there is no need of a US FBI check. Validity is 6 months but technically it is valid as long as you don\'t go back to that country other than for interview.
Where do you guys get the ND for NVC, case created in nvc date, p3 sent that is entered in cptracker

NSC - NVC bottleneck

I was going through and I noted that the last I-140 RD at NVC from NSC was on 1/25. Moreover, no NSC I-140AD after 1/30 has reached NVC. I don\'t know if it is a contract agency/NSC problem or NVC problem. A while ago there was a report of the sacking of the agency that mailed the change of status approvals for the F**@# terrorists of 9/11, 6 months after AD. I am wondering if an agency problem is causing a drought or RD\'s at NVC. I know data is too small to make assumptions. Any one has any thoughts on this?