Mar-01 Approved

Verified with Sheela Murthy....

Hi Guys,
The cases are picked up by RD (Receipt Date). The 180 days rule is also applicable from RD.I have checked these with Sheel Murthy.

If can someone is calling IIO , can he/she ask when are they going to start processing March cases.

     It is not big confusion for the people already struggling with 485 for a while, but there are always new people enter into the 485 stage like Sprathik, and tries to explain or poses like they found out a Big thing about the Notice Date vs AVM\'s Received Date and don\'t care look back at the old postings.

Notice Date is nothing but the computer generated receipt date which IIO use to communicate. That is the only use for it, NOTHING ELSE. It is never going to be used anywhere else.
Where is actual March Approval???

INS will not start march cases untill other centers catch up with VSC.
watch out BM_GC

when you spread your home cooked stinking ideas on this site, just remember that there is very small percentage of people post on this website out of the whole bunch 485 applicants at VSC. If you don\'t see March 01 approvals here in this website DOES NOT MEAN that VSC is not approving Mar01 cases. If you think otherwise, YOU BETTER CHECK YOUR MENTAL CONDITION with a doctor.
Be cool man, I tried to share the info - not posing

Looks like pretty aggressive.
Not a good prectice to use harsh lang in discussion boards and do not try to give an impression as if you are a controller.
I\'m not trying to be harsh

If you look at the older postings, there is tons of tons of discussions on the same subject with a CONCLUSION that Notice Date is nothing but a piece of computer generated date for IIOs to communicate or AVM to update the case info. Thats what I guessed when you said it is confirmed news, and thought you were trying or posing to be explaining the AVMs message saying notice date as received date.
keep up good work.
BM_GC -- Do not be adamant. Learn to listen

How come CSC is approving April cases? Do you propose any other theory?All centers are not in sync and not required
I understand

As I came to this message board for the first time [although I visited immitracker several times], it is practically impossible for me to wade through all previous postings.
Also, it was almost a month ago I called IIO [when I had to get some clarification from them]. When I came across the message today, I thought it would be useful to share the info.
Anyway, thanks for your clarification and I apologize if I used any strong wording.
So far I have been pretty cool (and busy too) but today after I came across so many postings in this message board, I started feeling the heat being March candidate (both RD/ND).
BM_GC! Why do you scare and distract people?

I know that you are trying to make fun out of thsi situation.
Not be a healthy practice gentleman!!
Discussion boards are meant to be sharing and guiding.
Not for creating panic and enjoying out of it.
Please getrid of the mask and stop posting red herrings.
No Title


While BM_@$%! is a confirmed moron, and we all have attested to this for the last two days, I think the rest of us are making a fool of ourselves by continuing to respond to him and expressing anger and guidance etc.

Please stop responding to this person, and let us focus on tangible information. All BM_@#%!@ can say is that "March is not approved ..." etc etc. what,s new in this Dope\'s false alarms, since yesterday?

Has any one spoken to an IIO today? I checked my avm and it still said "Case received ...".
Don\'t Ever Respond to BM_GC Again

Let\'s stop responding to him from now on. Then eventually he will feel bored and leave all of us here.
Congratulations Daar - a quick question

Was there any delay because of I-140 approved for CP? Did you or your attorney do anything?
