Man of the year award goes to JoeF !

Have Fun

Registered Users (C)
JoeF should be chosen as the Man of the year as far as \'After the Green Card\' section goes. He not only possesses the wealth of information regarding US immigration and US immigration laws but also shares,helps and answers everybody who asks a question here on this forum. There have been times when very silly and repeated questions have been asked but he has answered them with aplomb almost everytime.

         There are many people who simply posts the question when they need and once they get the answer, simply vanish from the discussion board till they stumble again. There are people who visits this forum daily, update their knowledge but never answers any question that is asked here. But JoeF not only reads the question but answer them with all his/her sincerity. Hats off to JoeF !

        There have been some other consideration also in my mind for the man of the year award. The others who were in running were - AmericaWannabe, Abu_lafya, GC Dreamer and ins_waiter. But I chose JoeF not because he knows all the immigration laws of the book but because his willingness to share his knowledge in order to help people.

You might have different opinion but JoeF is the man of the year as far as I am concerned.

Personally I am really amazed to know that JoeF being a European have so much knowledge of US Immigration Laws.

Happy Holidays and Wishing you all a very very Happy New Year !!!

Appreciate your feedback.
Another Vote for JoeF and a Question...

Congratulations!!!..and Keep up the good work. It is people like you who make this whole internet experience a great one. It truly os a world with no borders... Now I need some thoughts from you and the board on a situation I will likely be in

After obtaining the GC, my wife will be taking up an assignment for two years in a state other than where we currently reside. I know that immigration law requires notification of any change in the address to the INS. However, in this case, I will still be residing in the same address as mentioned in the GC process and will be the permanent address from my wife too. Based on these circumstances, is she legally obligated to inform the INS about her new address?

Any thoughts on this issue. Lets discuss.

Bye for now.. Merry Chrsitmas and HAPPY HOLIDAYS...
Re: JoeF

After being nominated I started reading his postings which are thorough & precise. Well deserved award.
you are the man!

I have been following your posts from the 140 board onwards. you have a lot of relevant and good information to pass on to others. Keep up the good work, JoeF. And Happy Holidays.
Hats off to AmericaWannabe, Abu_lafya, GC Dreamer and ins_waiter

Hats off to AmericaWannabe, Abu_lafya, GC Dreamer and ins_waiter as well.They all did pretty good job.Again thanks to JoeF and all of you guys for your time.