make 1 or 2 appt in infopass?


Registered Users (C)

For dependent and the primary filer, should 2 appts be made or just 1? We made 1 appt; tried to make another appt because someone posted msg saying better doing so, but the web server disallow the 2nd appt.

Anybody had experience? Thanks,
One would be fine.

My friend had same problem. I think they are preventing making multiple appoinments from the same IP Address for some time. If you still want to make the second appoinment try it in another computer, but not sure you will get the same time slot as the first one.
does 2 appt needed?

Thanks for sharing your friend's experience. We were able to schedule the 2nd appt after 10mins or so; but it's a different time slot, one hour later than the 1st appt.

My question is: will both of us get stamp using only the 1st appt because we are based on one 485 application?
Same thing happened to me. I wasn't allowed to make another but after 15 minutes or so I was able to successfully take an appointment for my spouse.
You should have 2 appointments,
at least in Boston it is requested.

BTW, they ask us to keep appontment time,
but they really serve people FIFO.
So you will be waiting as everybody else without an appointment.

We had an appontment time 11:00 a.m.,
and we were there about 10:40 a.m.
and got tickets, where was written "your waiting time 3 hours"

After 2 hours of wating we were called...
I asked IIO :Why we have to schedule appontment if we are in the same line,
as everybody else without appointment,
the answer was - we will not serve you without appointments...
BCIS is as usual very-very bad :( at least in Boston.
Hi Comment1,

I agree you on the service at Boston. People working there treat us as criminal and are rude.

Do you think we should just walk in with our appt in hand? Will they serve me earlier than my appt says? Do they really not take walkins?
you need appointment for each approval letter. I had one appointment on my wife's name, they stamped my wife's passport and sent me back saying that i need appointment.This is in NEWARK,NJ
1 appointment sufficed for 2 of us

1 appointment sufficed at the Los Angeles Office for both me and spouse for PP stamping. At the counter inside they ask you as to how many applicants per appointment. They do allow more than 1 per appointment.
But again this is INS, every district office may have their own way.

Good luck
Need 2 appointments at Boston

I got mine and my wife's PP stamped this Wednesday at Boston, everything went out very well and we finished the process in less than an hour, Regarding appointments yes you can make 2 at the same time here is what I did I have filled in the application on two different machines ( desktop) and my laptop and clicked the submit at the same time ..guess what got the two appointments for us with the same time slot :), can try it may help
I too had the same problem - when I got the ticket/token - waiting time is 3.00 hrs ( got in line A ) - but I was told by a lady who is going up and down in the room - to stand in line 1, when I entered the room. I was done in 10 min. She was telling all the guys who has finger print form with them. My guess is - I choose the "speaking to immigration officer" when I was taking the appointment but I should have choosen "I-797c passport stamping" - that would have made a difference to get into different line ( line 1 ) which is for passport stamping.

I have to again for my wife next week, hers got approved just today. I will see how that works.

Comment1 said:
You should have 2 appointments,
at least in Boston it is requested.

BTW, they ask us to keep appontment time,
but they really serve people FIFO.
So you will be waiting as everybody else without an appointment.

We had an appontment time 11:00 a.m.,
and we were there about 10:40 a.m.
and got tickets, where was written "your waiting time 3 hours"

After 2 hours of wating we were called...
I asked IIO :Why we have to schedule appontment if we are in the same line,
as everybody else without appointment,
the answer was - we will not serve you without appointments...
BCIS is as usual very-very bad :( at least in Boston.