Mails not being opened in the Delhi Consulate! Delay?


I called the same #. I spoke to Chitra. It took 2 and 1/2 hours for me to get through.
My packet 3 is not entered in the system as yet.
dude ap

dude ap,
   Let me know how it goes.
Also, reading through these websites, a Mr. Swami seems to be very famous in the US consulate in Delhi.. he helps the CPers. So you may want to ask your dad to speak to him as well for some help.. ?!!
Keep us posted, thanx :)
I started calling around 1 pm IST and got thru around 3:30 pm IST

chuck "February New Delhi Interview Thread/ Tracker" 12/10/01 8:08am

SudhirKumar, Any ideas if I should pursue and request some one else to early the date.. Or speak to some one else.. he/she may have a different answer than ms. shiksha.. ??!! Or is this it?!

chuck, I think, since they just received your mail,
 you should call in a week and find out your status..

pls keep us posted ..and good luck :)
dude ap

   So how\'d it go? Were your parents successful in handing in the papers? What did they say? Plz let us know?

Sudhir Kumar Plz Advice

Sudhir Kumar,
 plz advice if I should pursue and request some one else to early the date.. Or speak to some one else.. he/she may have a different answer than ms. shiksha.. ??!! Or is this it?!
Sonu Kumar....The IDIOTS at delhi said they need OF 230 I along with DS 230 I

WHEN MY PARENTS WENT TO HAND DELIVER P3 on 12/10. According to my attorney, OF 230 is no longer required..instead DS 230 is used now-a-days. In any case they did NOT accept my P3 b\'cos of the missing OF 230. I am faxing OF 230 I today and have my father deliver P3 again tomorrow.

Also they said the interview date is about 60 days from the day P3 in entered into the system.

Moreover, they ARE NOT OPENING any mails at Delhi due to the anthrax scare.
dude ap

Dude ap, this is really bad!!
   My lawyer also told me that DS 230 is the replacement for OF 230. Then why in the world do the people in the embassy want both?!! It doesn\'t make sense!
   Well, I guess we have no choice but to do as asked :(

So, good luck with that. Hope everything goes fine this time.. I guess you will be looking at a feb interview too.
  Plz post what happens..

dude ap : Would OF 230 and DS 230 both be needed at the interview as well?

Just a thought:
Do you think that both those forms would also be needed at the interview..? I think I will take a copy of both of them with me just to be on the safe side.

Let me know what you think.
SOnu. The delay has happened for lot of people.

Dont push the Embassy people too much. It might have some adverse effect.

All you can do is after getting the interview date. Get to India, get your medicals etc in place. Call them up to advance your date by giving the above reasons . They might just accomodate you a few days in advance. I dont think they will move you between months.
sonu....I would take both DS and OF with me to the interview..........

but again this may be a case of one isolated Idiot who doesn\'t know the new rules...Who knows when my father goes to deliver P3 tomorrow, another guy may just say that OF 230 is no longer required! DS 230 is good enough. It\'s just my rotten luck!

but as a precaution I\'ll take both...doesn\'t hurt.

also there is a DS 1743 employment form that some CPers have taken with them to the interview in recent months. Not required in most cases (infact my attorney doesn\'t know about it) but again doesn\'t hurt to carry. It\'s basically a form that confirms your employment offer (in addition to the employment letter that is mandatory) and needs to be notarized as well.
Thanks SudhirKumar; also if can you tell me..

  Thanks. Also can you tell me how many days in advance should I go before the interview date? Need to take medical exam only right? No need for PCC since i didn\'t live in India after the age of 16. Do you think less than 1 week is good, or one should go 1 week in advance just to be on the safe side??
sonu kumar....FINALLY my P3 was entered into the system at Delhi on 12/12..........

It seems the OF-230 Part I did the trick! I guess Delhi still doesn\'t know that OF 230 is obsolete and has been replaced by DS 230! So my 2 cents...carry both OF and DS 230 with u to the interview.

The guy at the window said to expect an interview in 2 months...and call up for P4 in about 1.5 months. Will probably have to send my dad to collect it personally from the embassy around the middle of january.

REGARDING PCC: He said that u can EITHER apply from the nearest Indian Consulate in the US OR come and obtain it personally from India. Didn\'t say that u need to have 2 PCCs: one from RPO and the other from local police station, as the some others have been saying based on their Packet 4 documents. But again we have to wait and watch and not take his word for granted.
Trying to Reach Delhi Consulate at 4198062 /4198374- No one picking up the phone

Hi Guys,
This is the first time i am writing in this grp.
I have my Pkt 3 sent ot delhi and has reached delhi consulate on 12/04
HAve tried calling up Delhi Ever since then either i dont get the line or even if i get it no-one picks up.
Tried calling on 12/13 betweent the hrs of 11.30 and 12:10 IST
Anyone int he same boat.
dude ap and vkartick

dude ap,
   thanx for the update and congrats! It is finally in! :) Now I am a little worried because the P3 I sent from here has the DS 230 form and not the Obsolete OS230. Is this going to cause a problem? Hasn\'t every one sent DS 230 form with their P3s?!! Is this going to cause a problem in terms of them sending a P4 on time? What do you think?

  And vkartick, once it took me 1 1/2 hours to get through, so you have to keep dialing and dialing until your fingers fall off... :) The number is 419 8062 and the time I have reached them is between 10 am to 12 pm IST. Hope this helps! Good luck!
sonu kumar....initially my attorney too sent DS and not OF.....just to be safe you can fill up OF 2

No big deal at all. have u tried calling up delhi to find out the status of ur case? if ur P3 is already in the system i guess u dont have to worry about OF 230 PART I, u r all set then. it shud not affect ur getting P4 on time.

again, this OF 230 thing may be a hoax but it worked in my case!

also, they r not opening any pacakages in u have to fax ur P3 or have it hand delivered (that\'s the impression my father got while talking to them)

vkartick...i too am in the same boat. never got thru even after 1.5 hrs between 10am-12noon at 419 8062. just have to keep trying i guess.