Mahender, Shawn Paul, Born2win - please respond


Registered Users (C)
I noticed from your earlier postings that the three of you replied to REF from NSC at about the same time I did. I am wondering if your AVM was updated recently with information about receipt of additional information, and/or with approval status. Please post any updates you might have.
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I checked AVM last night. It says that we received the evidence response that we have asked for on Jun 11, 2001. This type of case is currently taking 370-400 days. However, the preliminary processing has been completed already, it is taking 400 days to process this case. No approval yet.
Any idea what how many weeks/months we need to wail still...
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Thanks for your reply. I know people that got approved in less than 2 weeks after the AVM was updated, and in my own case, it is slightly over 2 weeks now. I have no idea how much longer this may take. I will post as I find out more, and in the mean time if you hear anything, plase post as well. I am going to call INS and see if I can get a response - easier said than done, I know!