Mad/Possible ? RFE ACK date changed from 21st April to 21st Jun


Registered Users (C)
My RFE ACK date was 21st April.
Today online case status is showing
RFE ACK date is 21st Jun.
Is it possible?
Please let me know , if anybody have this experience ?

RD/ND Jan 2002
FP Feb 2003
RFE issue 7th April 2004
RFE ACK was 21st April 2004
RFE ACK is 21st Jun 2004
Officer #289
AD ???????????????
waiting more than 60 days
While doing randon manual checks for SRC02176nnnn, I did notice a lot of this constant meaningless(status still the same) change of dates. Dont know the reason though. Probably some lazy guy trying to justify that he is working on a case (If the CSR's are monitored by LUD changes)
I have the same experience. My LUD changed to June 21, 2004 but I did not get any e-mail. Earlier the LUD was June 04, 2004 when my RFE was acked.

There were some threads floating around here which stated what LUD means or what the people in this forum conclude about it. If you find some answers then please post in this thread.
For me, REF ACK date itself got changed from April to Jun

long gc,
thanks for your advice. I will do.

RD/ND Jan 2002
FP Feb 2003
RFE issue 7th April 2004
RFE ACK 21st April 2004
New RFE ACK 21st Jun 2004
Officer #289
AD ???????????????
waiting more than 60 days
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