LUD Change


Registered Users (C)
My LUD changed on 02/21/2005, but no message or emails.

I have applied for my 3rd EAD on Jan 24th of 2005 and My 2 FP was on early December 2004.

Do anyone else have any similar experience.
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LUD Change - Q to jms_gc

Hi jms_gc,

Its been little over a month. Is there any updates about your LUD change?

I am in a similar situation. My LUD changed last week with no update to message.

I would appreciate it.

No LUD change since my FP2


I have not LUD change since my FP2. So I called FBI and they said they have sent the result on the same day. I have seen LUD has changed for many people on the day they receive report from FBI. MY name check is also cleared earlier. So I do not know what to do next. I think I should get my Senator or Representative involve now. I can not take it more.

